Ten Earth Imps

It's more than just problematic - being outed to people who know her could very well be the reason she committed suicide. Colleagues have the potential to cause her real harm.

I agree - I would like to ask more questions of my friend, but I think it would be awkward to raise the issue, so I haven't.

Your acquaintance's personal preferences are not a guideline for the way the rest of those of us who are trans live and expect to be treated. What Kyosuke is saying here is the way that the vast majority of us expect others to behave and interact, specifically because it can be dangerous to be out as a trans person.

Except that he DID out her, to her colleagues. He told people close to her that didn't know and that she didn't intend to tell.

Now you're objecting to her cissexist behavior? The tranny comment is no more or less offensive that all of the other arguments from that person.

What constitutes identity fraud for you? Does changing name and gender do that? Am I a fraud because I'm FTM?

Cissexist is a term, much like sexist or homophobic or transphobic that is very appropriately being applied to femsequalmras in this particular instance.

So, because I'm trans, I'm automatically a liar and a scammer? Good to know.

He outed her to her colleagues while he was "investigating" her background.

Edited - sorry; I misread and was responding to the wrong person - disregard; I wanted to yell at CrunchCon. :)

The breed advocate's response was not artfully written, but I think she's saying something important - this should not become the "next trendy dog."

Women are hired based on their track record and men are hired based on their potential in almost all industries. I'm not sure if it's worse in Hollywood than in web development, but the numbers are easier to track.

Compared to the richness of the original Scandal in Bohemia, it was really, really lazy, and de-powered and devalued Irene Adler. All of the versions of that story told recently - on Elementary, the big screen Robert Downey Jr. version and this one all screwed up Irene Adler. When the original Arthur Conan Doyle

I don't know what Jezebel you're reading, but the one I read regularly trashes Dunham in the articles and the comments. Hell, I nearly got set on fire suggesting Dunham actually works at her job and doesn't just sit around sucking a silver spoon in the two most recent articles on her.

Let's kickstarter that George R.R. Martin one - I have money to add to the bounty for it.

The trouble with the "lesbian who falls for a man" trope is not that there's a problem with bisexuality at all. The problem is that the story line does a disservice to both lesbians and bisexual woman, all of whom deserve better representation onscreen.

For those of us who write gay/lesbian slash fiction of characters that are 'straight' in canon (I've been doing this since 1988, btw) it's because there are few gay characters on television, and when there are, they are rarely the lead characters in a show with fully-developed characters and story lines.

We meaning "all of Jezebel" in that there was a lengthy discussion that you could refer back to.

We addressed the bit about her privilege got her where she is in the previous article about her, but I'll recap my points.

In many cases you might be right, but in this case we're not just talking about law, but the first amendment to the constitution, which goes beyond legality to protect individual rights. In this particular case, the photographer's rights cover both "ethics" and "legality."