Ten Earth Imps

I'm sorry, but FUCK THAT NOISE. Her shitty choices do take a lot away from me. I'm the one who was stalked and raped after speaking about my experiences with coming out on a college panel in a university psychology class. I'm the one who visited the opening of a friend's gay bar in Gas City, Indiana and was met by a

To watch, maybe. When it happens in your family, it's pretty damned awful, in my experience.

I don't want to feel schadenfreude directed at Mary over this, but it's hard to keep it from creeping in. She stayed in the closet a long time, didn't come out and speak on LGBT issues until very late in the game, and she campaigned for Bush, and she's *still* got the gay Republican cognitive dissonance going on. If

Well, your aunt is a homophobe who doesn't love us. But it's okay; we love you, and she's going to lose her campaign. Please pass the sweet potatoes."

It definitely did not help that he worked at The Blackeyed Pea, for sure. Americana chain restaurants that are open at lunch on Sundays are unfortunately prone to this sort of thing.

All of it was religious shit, BTW. The shitty notes, fake money and religious pamphlets were all from Christians coming in on Sunday afternoons after leaving church.

My roommate from several years back was a waiter when we lived in the same apartment. He moved up through restaurant management and now manages several chain restaurants in Washington D.C. Yesterday he posted photos of receipts and fake money that he's been collecting as long as he's been in food service. I remember

It was always a thing, though. My roommate had to deal with it back in 1991 and 1992. He would get this shit from Christians every Sunday afternoon shift (post church, the Evangelicals all drag their whole fam damily out to dinner). Notes saying they weren't leaving a tip because they thought he was gay, fake money

No women of color, and no women over 30? No women with short hair, either, apparently.

A couple centuries? When do you think Victoria and Albert lived?

this is a photo of the British Royal Family Tree that I took when I was on a tour of the Queen's estate in Sandringham.

I was really bad at feminism at 20 though. I didn't have quite the resources via the internet that Miley has, but... I'm glad she's at least willing to wear the word to start out with. We can work on issues around intersectionality and sexualization if she's at least willing to have the conversation.


I'm sure the double entendre was very much intended by the lovely women of the autostraddle website. :)

As I mentioned in another thread - we don't get to tell Ms. McCray what her sexual orientation is, lest we fall into the same category as the Westboro Baptist Church, who has no qualms about deciding everyone's sexual orientation for them. It's no better when we do it than when they do it.

Agreed. While Chirlane McCray's story can be confusing, If I start telling her what her sexual orientation is or should be, then I have little defense when the Westboro Baptist Church tries to come and tell me what my sexual orientation is. As the website Autostraddle suggests, "you do you."

Arrested 16 times, or convicted 16 times? That makes a bit of a difference, doesn't it?

That's true.

So, we're not going to hear who picked which character? Come on Jez staffers. 'fes up.