Ten Earth Imps

Yes, footnotes. That will make this whole problem go away. Or, inline citations and block quoting, or any indication that these ideas are not specifically your own, noted in the text.

I love all the folks here stating "I don't think assclown is homophobic!"

And why the hell are we engaging trolls (Toleressea) and their barely-concealed homophobia these days? Why are you not leaving them in the greys where they belong?

The person who shopped that and threw it out on Tumblr must be SUPER chuffed at this, because this pic is making the rounds.

Thank you. I really just want to pull apart everything he said here, because he's wrong at every turn, really. (Edited to add: fortheloveofbeets does a great job explaining what I think is wrong with his reasoning on her comment down further!)

Oh, the cuteness!

Not to mention that the kids they share will see that. Doesn't matter how terrible she is; don't trash your kids' mother in front of them. They'll be affected by that for the rest of their lives.

Moving across the border seems really attractive right now. But can't give up the fight in Indiana.

My mom would (jokingly) threaten to put my little brothers out in the trash "for the garbage man to take them." But once they told the neighbors this story, somehow substituting "government" rather than "garbage man." The neighbors came to talk to my mom, very concerned about her giving her kids to child services.

Yeah, given that Rachel is a gun enthusiast, I'm guessing Paul wouldn't want to face off with her, anyway. Good for her mature response, though.

Here is my one story about how (as a childless adult) I got my niece to stop throwing a temper tantrum and calm down:

As a childless adult, I can only regard other people's efforts to deal with their children in an effective and non-scarring way with tremendous sympathy. And a bit of bemusement.

I kinda think that because Pocahontas came out in 1995 and Anastasia came out in 1997, we didn't really have the internet and google and wikipedia as such prominent parts of our culture and it was a lot easier for people overlook the real stories of these people. I'd like to think that if either of those movies were

Anne Frank was an extraordinary writer for a 14 year-old, though. She wasn't just famous for the circumstances of her death; she's famous for writing so eloquently about the horrible circumstances she was living in. There was some real and remarkable talent in that young woman, and it gave a human face to a tragedy

Can I just point out though.... your name is NightCheese. NIGHTCHEESE.

Team Piznarski. However, if you must... I believe there is also Echolls, Navarro and Mars.

I actually read about that here on Jezebel.

I had to look up the ages of the young women in the film - they're in their twenties. I was worried that they were teens, and that this abusive guy was continuing to harass them after the movie was over. What an ass.

"get" rather than "gets" meaning they get pregnant together, presumably in some sort of sperm-donor, non-romantic parental relationship.