Ten Earth Imps

If this is "locker room talk" then I'm gonna become a cop and go undercover in locker rooms, because what a great place to locate rapists for prosecution.

Not quit right on some of these - add a word, but don't change any. Sorry to be pedantic; I've been playing this twitter game the last several days.

Likely she was raped as a kid as well by someone older. When kids act out this much at young ages, it's often because they were abused and they're mimicking the behaviour of their abuser.

Well, we're on your tail! We're usually 47, 48 or 49 on those lists. :)

I read a report that she had fired shots at the Capitol. But I also read that she was killed, and not that's being disputed, so who the hell knows. Another case of "wait, because no one is fact-checking any report so none of this is reliable."

The shooter has been killed, apparently.

Actually, the Capitol Police responding to the incident are working without pay today.

I'm just gonna say - I love my wife very much, but I really wish someone would drop this notion in her ear for my birthday or Christmas. I pin the hell out of some awesome stuff on pinterest, and if she noticed even a tiny bit of it, I would be the most grateful spouse ever. She doesn't seem to notice my really broad

My home state - always one to embarrass itself, and last in every quality of life rating. Yipeee.

How many male diplomats have kids? How many of them are balancing diplomacy and diapers?

A couple differences, though - on the arcade game, you knew going in that you were getting an incremental. And the play was really different. It wasn't a narrative where you got halfway through a story and didn't know how it ended.

Yes, but:

I hope they regulate the hell out "in app purchases." I'd love to play an iPad game that didn't constantly prompt me to make a purchase in the middle to level up. I was thrilled when they finally started disclosing that games had in app purchases on the games info page, so I could know to avoid purchasing games that

Good points.

But to not acknowledge she was an influence? That's pretty uncool, since he did at least acknowledge the other subjects from whom he borrowed life details. Why not her?

If I found out my spouse were making meth, I would smile, act like it was a great idea, and immediately get on the phone to the police and offer to help in the sting operation after turning said spouse in. Thankfully my wife would never make meth; she'd be horrified by the thought.

This is my coat of arms, that I drew when I was 11 and I was in love with Princess Diana, and all things British, so I read books on heraldry and ignored most of what I learned and drew some badass unicorn horns and swords and arrows. And some gender ambiguous people hanging out.

I'd do the singing and let the people behind you dance it out. Join in occasionally - I'm there to hear the vocals, not watch the dancing.

There was only one really bro professor - the guy who taught logic. And he was very mellowed by the fact that he had a brand-new-to-him smart younger wife, and he had a TA that was a quite brilliant lesbian whom he was slightly afraid of because of her very large brain. The other profs were pretty mellow

No, my bros were philosophy majors. You cannot get more bro that that. And to get a philosophy major at my college, you basically ended up in the exact same classes that every other philosophy major did, throughout the program, so same dudes, over and over, for four years. We started out with around 25 students, five