Ten Earth Imps

Wow - the trolls. Sorry dudebros - dismissed.

Life is so hard for white guys.

"Due to an overbooked calendar, the court won't reconvene until March 24th..."

How could that be? Because it's supposed to rhyme with "tuffet" - Muffin and tuffet don't rhyme.

Now playing

Start at 1:35 for some advance dance fight techniques.

But there are so many helpful animated gifs; we should be able to figure this out.

Because ripping my shirt off is the first thing I do when I get in a brawl.

My friends let the kids eat what they feel like, put the leftovers in the fridge when the kids has eaten what they want, and eat the leftovers for lunch themselves the next day. That way the kid stops eating when they are full, but the food doesn't get wasted. The kids are just getting old enough to realize that mom

Wasn't there some scientific study recently that concluded that making people feel bad about their body image caused increased weight gain?

Yep - not "oh, I did something wrong. I wish I hadn't and won't again" but rather "I'm sorry you had a bad reaction to this thing that happened where I don't actually believe I'm wrong."

I remember hearing that in one of my criminal studies classes back in college (some 20 years ago) that parole boards would listen for that sort of passive, impartial observer type phrasing from prisoners applying for parole, as a sign that they didn't take ownership of their actions and that they had to mentally

My question is this - are the plus sizes the same materials and construction that the smaller sizes are? Because I've found with Old Navy that is very much not the case. Plus sized jeans are made of scratchy denim that drapes weird compared to the denim of sizes carried in the store, and cotton shirts are thinner,

"It happened" - tell-tale sign of a guy who has no regrets or remorse. He doesn't take ownership of what he did at all, he talks about it like a third party bystander. Like it was something outside of his ability to control.

We've seen this in action at my house. Our dog was "mine" as a tiny puppy and became "ours" when my wife and I moved in together when he was three. He has now lived with both of us three times longer than just me by myself.

Any "taylor swift dates a girl" news should be forwarded to my inbox immediately. :)

This is a gap in cultural and historical knowledge just begging to be explored in good piece of historical fiction, either written or onscreen.

Well, gay men do have some privilege even while being an oppressed, and many of them acknowledge that. But this is one of those cases of not playing Oppression Olympics, because we all need to work together. Part of that is getting gay men to respect and identify with other oppressed classes. And part of the reason

It depends a great deal on their intent. Trans women have the right to the opportunity to express their identity, and cis men should get to explore across gender binaries without fear of bias or anger directed at them for stepping out of proscribed gender roles.

I like this - when your lawyer is sweating it, it means were doing something right with the justice system.

Jon Snow, is that you?