Ten Earth Imps

I think it's probably not any worse than it was before, it's just that we all know about it due to the internet. I'm sure assholes like this have always been around. They just had to resort to heckling women who were speaking on stage, making catcalls to women crossing the street, and writing their little manifestos

You do not need that much room. Even if you are the King in the North. I'm fairly sure it's not that big.

I'd watch this show. Are we taking a poll? Because I will vote for it.

Exactly - when my olympic athlete coach was telling the story about getting body-shamed when she was standing in line for the restroom at a night club (a dude in the line for the guys was commenting on her height and muscular build and implying she was in the wrong line) - that's when it hit home for me.

But... how can you disagree with her when people are so demonstrably proving her very point? That's what I don't get. These people are illustrating that what she's saying is true.

Thank you! Good god.

"Everyone should rape you" along with "no one would ever rape you."

Jokes about rape that aren't about criticizing the rapist and rape culture aid in the "social license to operate" that rapists enjoy - we as a culture are predisposed to assume that a woman isn't credible when she says she's been raped, and to believe men when they cast doubt on a woman's story, or when they cast


This ====> #couldn'tgetintoitmyselfbutyoudoyou

To be somewhat fair to the Starks, they were in the right genre right up until Jaime pushed Bran out of the tower. That was when everything went sideways and all honor went out the window.

to a point, but breaking the laws of hospitality is unprecedented, even for a Frey. At worst, their rep before was one of waiting to see which way the wind was blowing before committing troops. Now no one will ever visit them or trust them. There will be consequences.

How is pregnancy leave different for men and women? We have pregnancy leave for men at our company. Every guy I work with who's had a baby has used it. We also have leave for new adoptive parents, too.

I hope not - I love Fearless Defenders. It's my favorite right now, along with Captain Marvel.

What kids are those? Not everyone one wants to reproduce, you know.

"Hey, everyone! Check out this dude masturbating across the aisle from me! The flight attendant won't stop him, either!" Complete with video camera going.

Why is he "creep shaming" himself over furtively checking out women?

Can we charge the guy who left his gun lying around with reckless endangerment, please? In what sense would something like that be okay anywhere, but especially at Disney World where there are tons of kids?

Castle. Pretty cheezy show, but you can still see Captain Mal there.

Yeah, galocher is not an appetizing word. Can't the french call it something more sexy? Like "french kissing"? I mean, just go ahead and name it after yourselves, guys, we've all been giving you credit anyway.