Ten Earth Imps

It's a 2 & 3/4 year difference, according to one source I found that listed their actual birthdates.

"But he's a great guy with a family full of strong, intelligent, fierce women."

I'm 45 and that baby timer ain't gone off yet. Don't think it's gonna. :)

Honestly, if I were uninterested in having kids and I were wanting to go into a field like this, I would actually consider just preemptively yanking out the old uterus and saying "See? Fuck you. Not gonna have kids. Don't want 'em, not gonna have 'em by accident. Now open the damned door."

So basically, because women were discriminated against as children and taught to only play with dollies and toy ovens, and weren't taught what this asshole thinks is the appropriate skill set for his job from the time they were kids, it's okay to continue to discriminate against them as adults?

Incredible news: people can do really good things (like telethons) and still be totally wrong about stuff. Bonus news: old geezers say really embarrassing things and we wish they'd hush now, grandpa.

Hers, in our case. But that's seems pretty difficult, too.

I found a link, actually, and went in and signed up for trials. It's under "low sex drive" if you are also looking for the same thing.

I'm busy searching for how to sign up for trials - do you have a link? I've spent the last half an hour searching for an application.

"but Bergner's reading of the body of research on women's libidos points to a much different conclusion: boredom."

That's not too hard to debunk, just google "Welfare mom" or "welfare queen"


What is the point then? Hell, porn is why we read it. If I wanted non-porny fan fiction, I'd settle for just watching the shows. The point of fan fiction is to imagine the stuff they'd never be able to show on screen.

It wasn't just the crotch shot that made this movie a big deal in the press. It was also the same-sex female sex scenes that made the news. That had never been shown in a major film before as explicitly as it was, and caused a sensation. Unfortunately those scenes were pretty gratuitous to the plot and it end up being

It's not particularly hot to wear a uni, even at the beach, in my experience. I prefer this even when I'm just futzing around near the water, because it's great for keeping sand out of places I don't normally like to store sand. ;) plus I hate wedgies, and always seem to have them.

I tuned in to the discussion just to hear the comic nerd boys scream and yell about how a four year old is a fake geek girl. Glad to see I wasn't wrong about that prediction. You guys are so cool; you can outdo a four year old at comic trivia. Yay you.

This. :)

I like all of these. Not for me personally; I wear a uni in the pool. But many of these are cute.

I knew this because my teen nieces informed me this summer that Twitter and Instagram is where it's at. But my writing group and my political group and my knitting group are on the book of Face, so I don't care.