
LOL if he treated pets the way he treats his children, the SPCA would have taken them away long ago.

“Do you want me to vote?”

Yeah but without any of the charisma or even a memorable pet.

I’m positive Musk wants voting to be abolished for everyone. He’s every corny Bond villain rolled into one.

Sociopathy is a hell of a disorder. But worse are the millions of sycophants who prostrate themselves before damaged individuals like Musk and Trump.


Aside from the fact not everyone can afford to stay at home and homeschool their kid or hire someone to do it, I can confirm as a college administrator homeschooled kids are the WEIRDEST and don’t adjust great to college life.

“Do black people have a right to exist in America? We interviewed two white supremacists in rural PA and they had a lot of nice things to say.” — NYT

How do people (his followers) take him seriously?

Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.

I know progressives are big old mean bullies who say outrageous things like “Things can be better” and “Powerful people should do better.” But it’s not just progressives who do not like this pick. It is key elements of the Democratic Party, elements that helped drag a weak Hochul across the finish line in a

It’s not like there aren’t a bunch more conservative Democrats in the Senate that will prevent anything good from ever happening. Sinema and Manchin are just the ones who took the heat. Chris Coons, Jon Tester, Hickenlooper, etc, etc, etc.

No the last straw was Warnock getting re-elected and making her irrelevant. She couldn’t abide that. Doesn’t matter, we only have to put up with her bullshit for two more years. Then hopefully a safe will drop on her.

I {think} Nancy was being sarcastic?

At least she’s saved Democratstthe trouble of having to primary her (I guess). 

It only needs a better slogan because the right wing and the mainstream media immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion and have not wasted an opportunity in the last three years to make bad-faith arguments against it. It doesn’t matter what the slogan is, the right wing and the mainstream media will do everything

this is a good reminder how absolutely vicious immigrants can be when it comes to the immigrants that want to follow them; some of the most virulently anti-immigrant people I have ever met (here, the UK, Canada) were immigrants themselves, they practically trip over themselves to pull up the ladder behind them. There

If it wasn’t so alarming, I would find it kind of hilarious that all these rwnj are supposedly expert-level nuanced constitutional scholars when stuff they like is threatened, but also think that you can deport Warnock (a US citizen) and that Twitter should not be allowed to cancel accounts because of the first

It’s the 80s it’s Halloween on a weekday and I, being the oldest and a girl, am responsible for taking 2 younger brothers trick or treating, along with 2 young sons of my parents’ friends. My parents and the kids’ parents are at our house playing cards and and smoking cigarettes.

Ok, so my husband is not a believer in this story because he says it’s impossible to notice someone drooling from the car. I want to believe! Help me win this argument please.