Poor fascists...
Poor fascists...
“What does a Republican call a black woman who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Illinois, finished Harvard Law School, won the Miss America Pageant and became a successful attorney?”
I’m not a Republican but I’d call her a Stockholmer, or simply, an asshole.
I’m sorry your friend died at the hands of his wife and step-son.
I was done with Tarantino after that shitshow ‘Hateful 8’ where we got to see Jennifer Jason Leigh get smacked about for almost 3 hours. Hated that movie.
“No, as a firm Christian, I don’t support things like that, no. I support Christ and following him and that’s what I support.” Another follower of Christ that doesn’t practice Christ’s teachings.
Interesting that she chose Jezebel not the Washington Post. Wonder why that is?
“I want my name associated with my own accomplishments,” which are?
Another little rich douche sociopath
She should have replied, “What’s so funny? An idiot like you “gets” routes, why wouldn’t anyone else??
Here’s one of Abernathy’s tweets, all you need to know about his character:
I hated that movie.
Says the crowd that waves the Confederate Flag and whines about statues being removed.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
If he were a Republican, he’d still be in office.
Misogynist gay men are the WORST, most OBNOXIOUS SEXIST mo’fos on Earth and it’s about time they’re called on it.
I’ll never forget the reaction from sportscasters when Knight hurled a chair across the court back in the 1980's. They thought it was the funniest thing ever. “Oh, that Bobby Knight, what a wild one.” It’s no wonder he got away with being an asshole forever.
More GOP Sharia Law for Missouri’s women.
She reminds me of the woman who hooked up with Austrian serial killer Jack Unterweger.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Michael G. Flynn was the child sex abuser he likes to accuse others of being. Where there’s smoke there’s fire indeed.