Here's one of the charming co-workers Scott Zarenek:
Here's one of the charming co-workers Scott Zarenek:
I'm never not amazed in how the internet can turn your average pencil-neck drip into a lean, mean, fighting machine.
Ricky - I always thought it was bizarre that people would be concerned about you using marijuana, when most jocks use substances not fit for livestock.
Sorry. Pushed the publish button before coffee. My apologies.
Go eff your mother.
I still think she's well into her 20's and their relationship was a prank.
How about the Washington White Pride? Would that be more your speed?
Oh! That's a good one! Did you make that up on your own?
Just because shaming only involves annihilating one's self-worth does not mean that it is any less repulsive that outright killing someone.
Shaming is a Westernized version of 'Honor Killing'. It's that simple.
I find it interesting that the people fervently defending obscenely high salaries for athletic coaches at public institutions are most likely the very same people that think that welfare recipients should be subjected to drug testing for benefits.
Way to go Teabagger Terrorists!!!!!
Dump that worthless athletic director while they're at it.
Look for the media to royally screw the case up. Courts of law aren't TV shows.
"It never did make sense that the Miami logo showed a dolphin wearing a football helmet" So? What's wrong with football helmeted dolphins? I like that dolphin.
Mr. Babin grasp of "Socialism" is no different that your run-of-the-mill tea bagger.
Ever notice that the people who call the President the N word is all they have on the guy?