
I noticed this, too but my conclusion is the show is written (must like West World) to appeal to men. The only females having sex are either female on female hosts or female guests with female hosts. What the hell? This is my fourth post about this, but it’s the one glaring problem I have with the show. Why isn’t

I second all of this, but given the Nolans’ track records, it’s not surprising. I’ll admit, I never finished Person of Interest so may be Root and Shaw turned out to be whole people by the end, but I couldn’t forgive Nolan for what he did to Carter, so I was out half way through the 3rd season.

He probably says to himself “She chose me”, shakes his head, and smiles.

I agree with you. Yeah, I think Ford is definitely human. However, unlike GOT, I’m beginning to realize I’m only watching this show because of the plot. I want to see where it goes. With GOT I want to know the plot AND I love many of the characters, and honestly, I’m watching it now because I want to know what happens

I just want to be like oh cool, so if you vote for Stein, and Trump somehow wins, your conscience will feel great?

Very sad. I had a great-great aunt who was locked away in one of NY state’s infamous insane asylum as a young woman (Willard...interesting history) in her early twenties. From what my mom could find out, it seemed she was possibly “eccentric” or maybe she was a lesbian, or maybe she was abused. Anyway she refused to

Maybe the other cases were just consensual assault.

My accusers want free fame! Except for the anonymous ones, they’re cowards who don’t have the guts to face me in public!

Christ. We entrust people like your sister to be the building blocks in our children’s lives. Please thank her for all she does.


I thought this. Immediately it was like, “Oh.

starring you so everyone can see your bullshit response to the harassment i faced.

check out sam bee. i cannot recommend her show enough. it’s been my release valve.

I’ve taught kindergarteners. Trust me Donny, you couldn’t handle it.

Well isn’t this little Nazi cute?

Put that fist down, motherfucker. It don’t belong to you.

I’m waiting to see whether Palin will defend him. I remember her being up in arms a couple of years ago because someone used the R word.


Every one of these women deserve our gratitude for taking this significant risk in order to tell the truth and do the right thing by voters.

He and his surrogates are all losing their grip— Trump screaming “you are a disgusting human being” at a NYT reporter reveals that he’s terrified, and he’s unravelling like Jim Jones. Conway is about to snap and explode into a million shards. Pierson’s shark eyes are already sucking themselves into their own black