Your terms are acceptable.
Your terms are acceptable.
It was just 2, but it was over and over again.
how many kids did you have to put down. That sounds brutal.
I guess this is exactly the same grudge that has compelled Japanese people to buy all those Apple products? At least you're right about one thing. >_>
There are always exceptions of course. That game was developed for PC first, built a reputation and has the juggernaut of a licence and developer attached to it. Not a lot of devs have that luxury.
I'm not a fan of all this third-party stuff Nintendo's doing. Pac-Man, Xenoblade, Mercedes cars, non-Mario characters in Mario Kart, Dynasty Warriors times have changed.
what about the fact that when a race finishes, it defaults to "next race" now instead of highlights, that's a HUGE plus for me!
Remember Me is a game I will defend till I die as one of the most important games I've ever played. It's the kind of high-concept, style-over-substance yet fully realized sci-fi I crave.
I finished playing through the game recently. It definitely had some things wrong with it, but at the same time it did a lot of things right. Of course we only ever really notice the wrong. In terms of character and story though we'll always notice it.
Remember Me is one of those games that, even though it's kind of average at best, I still think everyone should give a shot, if only for the setting and interesting, if somewhat flawed, mechanics. Very happy i grabbed it from PS+ and gave it the time of day.
This is already tracked by a number of different agencies. Municipalities and states track it, as well as groups like the National Law Enforcement Officers Fund, which reported that 2013 had the fewest officer fatalities in 54 years.
You mean Resident Evil looks like Alone In The Dark, but with the graphical advancements one would expect from a game that came out years after Alone In The Dark.
This is getting silly. Samus is no longer the strong female protagonist she used to be. The Zero Suit has ruined Metroid.
I honestly didn't think that any developer could spend all of their last presentation discussing their game's variety of cardboard boxes and leave me begging for more. Yet here we are.
Akame ga Kill: The problem is that it purposefully undercuts its own dramatic and shocking moments with immediate segues into humor.
As you can see on the left, mods like these grant people the ability to force other players to do things like pole dance and do push-ups. Some modders choose to make other players bend over, and then proceed to use a sex animation from a different part of the game to thrust into them repeatedly, thus making it look…
What the hell kind of person starts playing GTA and thinks, "I wonder how I can make these characters rape each other?" Worse, what kind of person then dedicates actual time and effort to making this a reality?
Doesn't matter if it is not possible to do these things under normal circumstances and everyone should just prepare for Faux News to start the "Hot Coffee" Outcry v2.
My favourite thing about the series was the theme of talent. Discovering if you have it. The pain of dedicating yourself to something you might never master. Learning to admire the true greats without envy and accepting that you're mediocre, or on the flipside, feeling obliged to follow a path simply because it's one…
It's a shame Microsoft is doing the same thing as Sony with their Destiny Bundle. I was really hoping with Sunset Overdrive we get a maybe an Orange system or some cool design for the system. Especially with the art style the way it is. I'm personally a sucker for special edition systems just because white, silver and…