
Run along now, Internet Warrior, your work here is done.

You seem angry.

Masses and masses of presumption here. Isn't it possible that some people just don't like the guy, bored of him and his ilk being constantly shoved at us (yes, British - guilty as charged. We're allowed to use this site too, you know? Whether you understand our comments or not.) You clearly have a problem with

I get it. You like Ed Sheeran, and you're totally comfortable with that.

I don't think you mean "dearth". It doesn't mean that. I think you mean "glut". And you're still wrong.

I remember when he played at the London Olympics. The questions quickly developed from "who is Ed Sheeran?", through "what is Ed Sheeran?" to "why is Ed Sheeran?".

You're right, "bollocks" and "git" are not common terms in America.

Relax everyone, just joshing. Sheerhan's still shite though.

Different discussion, but since you ask… Are you American? In which case, I'm happy for you that you don't have that problem. Or are you a British public schoolboy? In which case, shut it Lord Snooty before you get a slap.

Utterly wretched. British music is bollock-high in these acoustic-playing wets right now, and this little git is one of the worst. It has to stop.

That looks shit! Let's not go and see it!

Maybe they're the British Dave Matthews?  That might be a category error, but worth a punt.

Can I just add here, as an English Man, that NO hipsters in England like these clownes.  They are not a "hipster" band.  You "Mericans seem to get called hipsters for liking the Sons of Mumford.  In England they are more of a radio band - they're just on in your car when you drive to work.  They are liked (a lot) by

Enjoying your Indie Luddite convo?  I am!