
Thanks for this. I haven’t visited much, or commented, since 2008 or so but wanted to make the pilgrimage to pay respects to Davey, and also express my appreciation for the OG Jalops - writers and commenters - all of whom made spending time here in the mid aughts (definitely not during work hours of course) a

Apparently, there are a surprising number of us still around here. It’s awful that this is the occasion that made it known, but it’s also a testament to what he and his built.

I miss that whole team.

Thanks for this, Mike. Like others have said, it’s great to see your name here again, but I wish it was under any other circumstance.

Thanks, Mike.

@tenbeers: Curse you! I wanted the B-bodies! Now I'll have to take the convertible '95 Riviera. I hope it's a supercharged one, at least.

@tenbeers: Genius. Plus, you'll have lots of leftover parts for future repairs.