
You understand that goes both ways, yes? I concede that there are some women who may not feel things. . . but there are women who do feel things. Out of 100 victims, surely someone felt something.

Maybe it wasn't necessarily all penis-in-vagina penetration? The video doesn't specify exactly how he assaulted the women. Sexual assault can be a lot more things than just sticking a penis into someone who does not, or is unable to give consent.

Remember that monster Vandenburg at Vanderbilt? The woman he raped, his girlfriend at the time, had no idea he had orchestrated a gang rape. The next day he told she had been so drunk, she puked all night and he took care of her. While she had some soreness the next day, she trusted him completely enough to have sex

Fairly consistently, outed trolls on Twitter have been middle to upper-middle-class white teenage boys. You see a steady decline as you go up the age range, although the "white dude" thing tends to stick.

I feel like a lot of trolls, especially on Twitter, are kids. Like, actual teenagers who don't really know any better, whose brains haven't developed empathy yet, and who want to say outrageous things for the sake of being outrageous because they can. Like, "hey I just learned what the N-word means and how badly

I would too! He's the best! I refuse to watch the American dubbings of shows he narrates. If it's not a "zeh-bra" it's not a true nature doc.

My cat is named Sir David Cattenborough. Haters gonna hate.

My Aunt had dinner with David Attenborougha couple of years ago.

You know, I just don't understand these legislators with these ridiculous "but what if..." anecdotal arguments. This is about a law, if the spouses in question are ok with being sexed whilst sleeping, they aren't going to call the police (also sometimes when they aren't ok with it...but that's another issue entirely).

That is exactly what I came to say. They would charge you with rape because you had raped someone. And, PS, they wouldn't charge you if someone didn't PRESS those charges. It's not like prosecutors just wander around, randomly charging men with rape.

Right. If I'm totally fine with my partner having sex with me while I'm asleep (I'm not, beyond a point, but hypothetically), then I'm not going to call the police to report that they did it.

I'm a Statehouse reporter - though sadly not in Utah, because this would be amazing to cover. And this is EXACTLY the reason why I continually remind people that what happens in your state legislature and your governor's office is easily as important as what happens on Capitol Hill and in the White House. And

"men's stupidity is a trope that is absolutely played up in hollywood."

The other part though is, if you do give prior consent and then wake up and discover your partner had sex with you while you were unconscious, who is going to go and report it to the prosecutor? I don't get the logic. Prosecutors won't just be breaking in to peoples' homes to watch them have sex with unconscious

So, he is concerned that a man in a loving, non-abusive marriage is going to unintentionally or unknowingly roll over in bed and have sex with his unconscious wife, and the wife is then going to at some point either wake up or find out that he had done this, contact police, and accuse him of rape? And the poor, loving

I don't mean to brag, but I don't have to have sex with unconscious people to have sex.

so is women's, I would argue.

My favorite example is the Commercial Husband. That guy is a goddamn idiot.

Yup, just like Christians, "smart people" and "nice guys". If you have to consistently tell people you are, you aren't.

I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world