Is it just me, or do those clothes look like rejects from a high school sewing and design class?
Is it just me, or do those clothes look like rejects from a high school sewing and design class?
Or also because she's an incredibly competitive, strong, and talented athlete didn't want to be further characterized as "aggressive." But yeah, all bullshit and not fair. You can tell she's so annoyed by all this chatter that just diminishes her (and other female players') professional accomplishments. She's like,…
I just want so badly for him to ask Andy Murray to twirl for him. It'd be like asking an especially dour Aberdeen Angus bull with a bad toothache to do a little dance. Please oh please oh please let it happen. I ACHE to see Murray's face.
Now I totally want to see a male player twirl. I bet Nola would do it.
My mom was told that at the hospital when she was trying to deliver me. In addition to being a misogynist asshole, the doctor in question was also an imbecile, and tried to pull me out of her too soon, causing her some serious tearing.
No you haven't. I smell troll.
Power and commraderie. This mindset makes women objects which is why frats and sports players have such a problem with this. They have a collective mentality that they are superior to women and even more sensitive men and they call it manliness. The rest of us call it ass douchery and a crime.
Having trouble achieving an erection is actually not uncommon among rapists, which pretty clearly demonstrates that rape isn't solely about sex. Of course, it's also possible that failure to achieve an erection creates an even greater desire to humiliate the victim, in order to "prove" the rapists' masculinity.
just felt the need to say that's unfair to dogs. they don't deserve to be molested by rape-apologists any more than anyone else does.
so this girl, and all girls who have a little too much to drink or pass out are whores who really want it right? And seriously, no one wants to hear about your family reunions.
As a celibate rabbit, I am sick with rage that my life experiences are being negated like this.
It seems like news reports in rape cases always focus on the defense's argument. I can't remember ever seeing a news story on a rape case that led with the prosecution's argument and had maybe a little throw-in about defense attorneys say the victim deserved it for drinking (like they always fucking do).
Cheers, J.Lo.
When I saw the preview, my reaction was "If I were her I'd be more freaked out as to why there was a 25 year old dude in my high school class."
Its time for the Are You a Rape Apologist litmus test!
I get that it's their job but I wonder if the lawyers feel gross about themselves after saying these things.
Coed. Isn't that great? It's like verbal time-travelling, only without needing to hork because of any temporal displacement sickness. You just hork because you want to.
The number of men in the Vanderbilt community that either knew, covered up combined with the perpetrators of this heinous crime speaks to a real issue at the core of this University.
'Innocent until proven guilty' is a standard that exists specifically for and within the judicial system. Yes, it's true that we shouldn't just believe everything we read without question, but that doesn't mean withholding all judgement until a uniquely judicial standard is satisfied is appropriate either.
R.B.G. can do whatever the fuck she wants.