Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.
Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.
In a series of tweets, the bigoted folk hero accused a woman of sleeping with a “dirty Muslim,”
Hah, my wife’s friend said she didn’t want a boy baby because she isn’t comfortable around penises (penii?). I was wondering how she managed to get pregnant in the first place if this is the case.
You think that’s bad? I knew a woman who had 4 children, 2 girls, a boy and then another girl. She only breastfed the boy. She said she felt weird breastfeeding the girls.
Yeah, I got a distinct vibe of men feeling that boys must need their father’s influence and care as much as possible, but don’t care about providing their daughters with the same. Probably a little of column A, column B, and column fuck this noise.
The real solution to this problem does not lay with the companies; the real solution to this problem lies in social fabric and our education system not producing as many female engineers as it should.
White men fight tooth and nail at any narrative that suggest they aren’t in fact the smartest and best things in the world.
And when something does happen to her that’s terrible and awful and you can’t protect her from, you will almost certainly make her feel like it’s her fault and she should have done something differently to stop it because, as you say, “she shouldn’t be a victim.”
No, the interview process I understand. The blatant whining, and backpedaling from your original assertion is what confuses me. But, I’m not really that skilled at mixing passive-aggressive arguments with attempts at intellectual superiority. Is that a minor in Engineering School?
Ever consider that all the passive-aggressive whining might prematurely sour people on your (actually very logical, reasonable and well-thought out) arguments?
Did you ever consider that the reason Heather got a call back and you didn’t is that you’re a self-absorbed myopic prick who’s so enamored of his own bullshit that he doesn’t realize how ridiculous he sounds?
Gee, maybe there isn’t an uproar for women working in coal mines, sewers, or tossing trash bins around, because of those “women are so physically inferior, they can never work the physical jobs that men dooooooo blah blah blah don’t let them be firefighters or Army Rangers wah wah waaaaaaaaahhhhh” cries that are…
Everyone in my office(industrial engineering) was offered MLB tickets earlier this spring for opening day except me, the only woman. I was the only one who wanted them.
On the bright side, things are changing. My department in a high tech silicon valley company has 25 people in it and only 5 men.
Cause you’re ugly?
How do you recruit? I work at a company that only recruits by word of mouth and personal references. Its diversity therefore sucks. I’m not saying it’s not possible that the overall field is severely lacking in women, but you can go a long way to bringing in more underrepresented groups by recruiting well (and having…