Tasty Juice. Drink It Then Convert It To Pee


I think that’s why Leia left him. He always shot first. Greedo, on the other hand, like the playa he is, always lets the ladies shoot first, y’dig?

In the definitive definitive version, Lucas makes Jabba walk in front of it, and actually walks on it.

I think the EU said Padme’s planet had no word for fascism. The closest translation would be “jelly donut anvil hat”.

My brother tried to take me to see The Phantom Menace that year. It was sold out, so, being stuck at the theatre, we had to see She’s All That instead. Terrible movie, but I think we had a better time and got better value for our money, and that value was we just got to hated some shitty Fred Prinze (?) Jr. movie.

Just 4 out of 5

I know that feels... I’m addicted to jerking. Y’know, the usuals, chicken, beef...

I respect this game, well, these games, and I’m even a bit jealous of those who’ve played ‘em, beat ‘em and enjoyed ‘em.

What a pornstar name, Jon St. John... The only name more pornstar would be Dick Von Cockenstein, or something.

He looks like Chewbacca’s creepy alopecia stricken uncle.

Good to see the duct taped, brush stroked, splattered with glue side of life sometimes, ain’t it?

If I won, I’d build an exquisite house in every country I would ever want to live in with Area 51 level of secret rooms to hide all the weed I’d ever want to smoke. And a place to grow mushrooms, I suppose.

This gif is amazeballs.

D’em graphics.

I think he just noticed her tuck job.

Reminds me of the times women have gone after each other for exactly the same reason lol

I don’t see it.

What did you have to drink with it, Mountain Dew or Crab Juice?