And if you are trying to show off your driving skill, you should first have some skill.
And if you are trying to show off your driving skill, you should first have some skill.
Sounds like the wheel deal to me.
I was going to vote nice price- but after the Ron Jeremy comment, my wife would never believe that I am buying condoms for the shift lever. CP.
Nooooo! Mr. Bill.... (you can bend me, but you can’t break me!)
Guy’s got nothing on D. Tacy, Tracer of Lost Jeeps.
Awesome! Just totally, breakdown and all! You rock Dude!
“Amech? Yes, bring another vehicle. No, no, we’ll be leaving this one here”.
LOL! 1st thing I thought of when I saw it was Jason “VW” Torchinsky! Not even close, even with all the other stealth articles about weird cars, Lane museum, etc., etc. Article by JT=VW! But keep on doing what you do, I love it! I was a little worried at the beginning of the year because of your increased output-…
Hi Stef-
One horse power to one horse- is that one mega horse power?
Always liked coachbuilding, metal working, english wheels etc., and for a “young guy” (comparitive, LOL!), he really has a nice understanding of the physics, and explained a lot about how the metal reacts that gave me a better understanding than I have gotten from other videos. Thanks for the Vid!
Fuck VW. The “spirit” of the buyback is, “well, we shouldnt be punished, we were just gouging customers”. The Terms? Under its own power. Legal, done, fuck ‘em.
That is some sweet, sweet music! CVK couldnt have done it any bettah!
Why is he leaving perfectly good spark plug wires? Does it require all four to move under its own “power?
Wont get me out of the greys.., but doesn’t have enough zeroes to show my true worth.
Man, I ate a salad and lost .75 pounds off my tits, and everyone said I looked flat chested. So I ate a hamburger, and it was LOL! What a fat butt! And that was just today!
Well, has to be a front wheel drive, since that’s what Tornado’s are.
Damn, what a great picture! Pushes all my Golden Mean buttons!