
It's sad, but there are a lot of people struggling with addiction who just have to go back to work and with reports of her financial situation recently I assume that to be the case here. Eventually insurance dries up or bill collectors come calling and you don't have much of a choice, even if it isn't the best thing


I love this post and this thread!

I cried my eyes out during the Tom Arnold portion of Roseanne's roast. It surprised me too.

I normally don't pay attention to the Kardashians, but I have invested way too much time fantasizing about Kimye releasing baby pictures right before Baby Windsor is born thereby illuminating the level in which people don't really give a shit.

Also, do you know that B.J. Novak, Paul Giamatti, Jason Schwartzman, and Colin Farrell are all in this movie?

That's because I'm getting my shit funded, honey. Only suckers pay for their own vagina harem.

Shotgun "Subsidized Vagina Harem" for my band name!

I never thought I would want to change my last name but I would completely forsake my forefathers and feminists ideals to have that photographer's surname. Wigglesworth! Perfectly British and just a little bit absurd. I could be a J.K. Rowling character with a last name like that.

Yuengling is the best beer for one major reason. It is one of the few beers capable of becoming and remaining ICE COLD because the bottle is so damn perfect. Any beer tastes like piss if your clammy hand has warmed it to room temperature. You can finish every lager knowing the last drop will be as refreshing as the

Thank you, those are very nice responses and I appreciate your advice. I'm not normally one to avoid confrontation but in my case I'm usually put on the spot in the moment (and frequently in a "crisis") rather than through email/text/whatever.

I know this is a little bit off topic, but I am an event planner and I can't tell you how many sticky situations this has put me in. Trust me, I am more than happy to text you back and tell you how much champagne you should buy, but I have been an invited guest to events and spent the whole night running around in my