
It sounds like the festival organizers only solution was to get everyone wasted. People wondering where their rooms were? Give them some booze. People pissed at the food? Give them some booze. People want to know what’s going on? Give them some booze. Of course people were looting and rioting. They were all drunk

“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”

All the other bullshit of this aside, how the fuck do you enforce government-mandated celibacy?

Literally, let’s put a end cap on this fucking year. Someone please blow this fucking useless rock into the sun.

Kellyanne told him he could have the password to his Twitter account back as soon as he voted.

Jesus this is depressing

“Donald wasn’t really interested in the children until he could talk business with them”