
Jesus Christ. Tell me, what is the figurative allusion served by depicting the Obama’s as monkeys? There isn’t one, the direct allusion is “black people are subhuman primitive primates” and that’s it.

How else do you identify what’s going on in the cartoon without someone having to tell you? Like I said, sometimes cartoonists have to go out of their way and slap giant labels on characters just to make a point. Without the star or the yarmulke this is just blind Trump walking a human faced dog. With them any idiot

Do you not understand what what figurative speech is? The point of this cartoon isn’t “Jews are dogs”, the fact it’s a seeing eye dog is the point that he’s leading Trump around. Meanwhile your idea is simply “black people are monkeys” and “all Arabs are terrorists” which is fucking racist as shit.

Is there ANY way of drawing a cartoon depicting the relationship between the US and Israel that wouldn’t come out as looking anti-Semitic?

Because there isn’t a single timeline but infinite branching ones. Every time they went into the past and changed something those events then took place in a parallel reality separate from their original one. They totally fucked up this logic though with Cap’s last scene since he would have only existed as an old man

THIS. Fucking THIS! For all the joking around they did with the rules of time travel they fucked up their own rules the end.

Maybe because you’d have to be an idiot to purposefully create a sound bite for Trump to play off of?

The thing about impeachment is that the Democrats shouldn’t NEED any more evidence than has already been presented. A man once said that impeachment isn’t about whether or not a president has committed a crime, it’s about whether they acted outside the bounds of their role and it’s about cleansing the office. That

Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue.

The President then asked, “What-about these notes? Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes.

They're talking out of their ass really. This quest was underwhelming compared to what people wanted it to be but it's far more substantial an addition than previous updates. Before this at best you'd get an interior no bigger than a small house and some fetch quests around the map while this dungeon is quite large

The players stupidly hyped up something they shouldn’t have and then got pissy about it when their dreams don’t come true.

It's because it's not THAT kind of dungeon. Everyone pissed off about this keeps comparing it to instanced dungeons in actual mmos. This isn't your normal mmo, it's a Bethesda game. To them a dungeon is just an interior cell. This was never meant to be an instanced dungeon in the first place. 


Bethesda’s launcher should rank a bit higher purely by merit of doing what all otherwise shit launchers should do, phasing itself out by moving all of it’s exclusive titles back to Steam where they belong.

Except he isn’t, Fox Business managed to fuck up the simplest thing possible and labeled his DISapproval rating as his approval rating.

And what exactly would more actively defending her accomplish? Do you think any member of the GOP let alone any conservative media outlet gives a shit if Nancy Pelosi tells them to stop being mean?

SPIES!!! -Attorney General William Barr

Thumbs up? Seriously?