
He can’t fly, it’s just a boost jump that you have to charge by crouching for a few seconds first. The ult seems pretty crap at least to me, it tosses up a rather small field you can shoot through for the damage boost but since it’s stationary you’re at the mercy of your surroundings and whether anyone actually stays

He actually seems kind of balanced, if not under powered.

Give it time, eventually even Bastion will get a web comic about the time during the Omnic Crisis that he and another unit interfaced with each others input ports in a manner that was NOT intended by their factory specifications.

This isn’t just “my boss said mean things to me”.

And Fallout used to be an isometric turn based text heavy rpg, shit changes.

You should be baffled because it’s pure bullshit. There are no HUMAN npcs. The game has recordings left behind by dead survivors that serve the same purpose of providing lore and initiating quests, robots of varying intelligence that serve as vendors and quest providers, there’s a faction run by an AI that again runs

Never fought your way through a vault? Killing ever increasing numbers and difficulties of enemies as you work your way through until you eventually reach the end, defeat some sort of tougher boss enemy or enemies and then usually walk out with some rare armor or weapon? Yea... that’s essentially a single player raid.

1. City building is currently impossible on a fundamental level with how player structures are designed because your structures load and unload into each new server with you.

HUMAN. The game does not have HUMAN NPCS. There are plenty of non-human NPCs including several different types of robots, a super mutant, several AI and the roadmap hints at several new types coming.

Those people defending it probably wish certain loudmouths would actually know anything about the game before they start bashing it. The last time there was a “controversy” over the game and all the youtube vultures started circling there were comments complaining about the game having LOOT BOXES for fuck sake and

The only other time I can recall having seen Melania look genuinely happy was when she got to spend some time with the Obamas/Bushs/Clintons at Barbra Bush’s funeral.

Bzzzt, wrong. The law requiring records to be preserved didn’t actually apply to emails and wasn’t changed to do so until after Hillary had already left her position. Using a private email server was standard practice for Secretary of States and Collin Powell had recommended she do so just as he had. The controversy

Hillary’s servers were never hacked. The whole “controversy” was over IF they could have been hacked. While there were several thwarted attempts to get into the servers the only person associated with her campaign to actually get hacked was Podesta, and it was his personal gmail account.

Pump the breaks there. Don’t blame Hilary for people being stupid enough to believe anything Trump told them even if it went against his party’s actual platform or things he had already said. A politician can’t win against a shameless liar, a measured and practical political platform can’t win against “I’m the only

Because that worked sooooooooooo well last time when his supporters found out he wasn’t popular enough to win and then spent the rest of the election shitting on Hillary, trying to convince people to vote third party or not to vote at all as a form of protest and in some cases actively voting for Trump out of spite.

I mean what’s the worst that could happen? I mean it isn’t like the last time he lost a primary his supporters threw such monumental hissy fits that aside from those who flat out abstained from voting a bunch of them actually spite voted for Trump and gave him enough votes to win crucial swing states...

The suspect was ALREADY being apprehended by the police. If ANYONE was needed to warn the surrounding people to leave the scene THEY are the ones who would have done it. But they DIDN’T because they knew the risks involved in creating a panic, enter the dipshit who decided to scream about a gun because they saw

And the person who shouted was a passenger, go fucking figure.

The subject of the sentence here is the “someone shouting ‘GUN!’