
For characters of varying races sure diversity is great and can be something that’s not shoved down everyone’s throat, but for the non-binary and gay characters it isn’t “just there” if they’re having to go out of their way to point it out to everyone so they get inclusivity brownie points.

And why does your black woman get priority when I still can’t play as a non-binary Inuit? Haven’t indigenous peoples of the world suffered enough without your questioning their views on gender nonconformity?

It’s from his classic Obama attack collection. There actually WAS a “border crisis” back in 2014 which became one of his standard talking points and he just hasn’t bothered to drop it because it always plays so well for his base.

And yet when I try to build a kid cave in my basement I end up with the FBI on my ass.

I’m not up to date on either of these game but... Anthem is a PvE looter shooter isn’t it? Not exactly a direct competition to a PvP battle royale.

Usually when Trump says he doesn’t know and has never met someone it’s right after they’ve been indicted.

The mystery is how people can keep bringing this up while being oblivious to the fact that one of 76's greatest failings is the fact it still essentially uses the same engine as FO3 and that’s where the majority of it’s most notorious bugs and exploits have come from.

Hahaha... yea, that’s what their PR people will tell you. The REAL reason publishers and developers want alternatives to steam is the same reason publishers and developers do anything, it’s the fucking money. Valve takes 30% of a games sales, compare that to Epic only taking 12%.

Shady as hell is using Steam to advertise and harvest pre orders for however many months it’s been up there, waiting two weeks before release and then announcing that you’re jumping ship and taking all your pre orders with you.

Then you’re just lucky because the console games are buggy as hell as well. I made the mistakes of getting both Fallout 3 and Skyrim for console. Fallout 3 ended up with a corrupted save file that eventually made the game so buggy it would lag to a halt in the middle of playing and Skyrim’s main missions bugged out so

Many players are also disappointed with a series of tweaks yesterday’s patch made to the game’s perk system. Cards like Demolition Expert, which grants bonus damage when using explosives, was nerfed from 100% at its max level down to 60%. Other cards, like White Knight and Licensed Plumber, saw similar reductions

Fuck off

At this point people can’t tell the difference between a simple balance and bug fixing patch and “misery” apparently.

The point of the beta was to stress test servers and pick up on any major game breaking bugs.

Sanctions ruined venezuela? Venezuela’s economy was already in the shitter before 2015, starting in the early 2010's when their state run oil company collapsed from a combination of mismanagement and straight up corruption in the middle of a global oil boom that then fucked them over even more when oil prices started

I’d imagine the “fairness” angle here is less of a “It’s not fair they’re using another storefront instead of ours!” than a “It’s not fair they’ve been using our storefront to advertise and harvest pre-orders for months and then jump ship just before release and take all the actual sales to another company.

That just seems like a dick move on the publisher’s part. It’s one thing to decide ahead of time they you’re not going to use one storefront in favor of another, but they’ve been using Steam to gather pre orders and advertise the game for however long and then jump ship with little more than two weeks until release.

I don’t quite think they’ve been focusing much on the trans community to increase the birth rate...

Whaling in Hearthstone? Seriously? They let you craft any card you want as long as you have the resources to do so.

Modifying cards ALL THE TIME?