This is almost literally the plot of a shitty horror movie from last year.
This is almost literally the plot of a shitty horror movie from last year.
Why does having a time machine always mean you have to KILL Hitler? No one ever thinks of going back in time and helping Hitler get into art school.
You forgot the best part of the 2014 “prayer rug” hysteria... it actually came with photographic proof!
Susan Collins is on the fence about something she’ll eventually just end up voting in favor of anyway? Must be a day that ends in y then.
It’s probably that part where you answered your own “are they fixing shit” quetsion with a “No.”
I know someone is going to bitch about the fact that I’m bitching about this... but could you just try to write even an article title that isn’t biased against Bethesda?
So between your “They’re not fixing shit” and my “Yes, actually they are” which one is more fucking accurate? The focus of their patches so far have been on things that are an actual priority like game bugs, exploits, balance and quality of life issues.
Uhh... yes? Probably the biggest bug the game faced from using the Creation engine was when people’s frame rates determined their physics and they fixed that ages ago.
But seriously, what online multiplayer games have you been playing that have never been patched for balance or exploits?
Reading comprehension? The only thing they mention about PvP is a 100% optional mode, the rest of the game stays exactly as it has since it launched.
Why do you keep reading articles about a game you’re THAT disinterested in?
Jesus Fucking Christ. So please tell me, how much cheating is acceptable exactly? Just breaking into the dev room once and stealing just a few things you really want should get overlooked because you were just curious about how much you could get away with?
People play it because... and this may come as a shock... they AREN’T you and have their own likes and dislikes. Are they not covering this kind of shit in kindergarten any more?
The dev room does NOT give people access to “the best equipment in the game”. All they would be able to get inside for weapons and armor are the base items without any legendary modifiers, essentially the weakest versions possible. The problem is that they’re able to get access to plans for cosmetics that haven’t…
No, because come his next reelection they’ll still endorse and financially support him over any challenger, primary or general, because holding onto seats means everything and incumbents are safer.
Wait... you’re being serious? The whole problem is that they’re essentially still using the same engine and code you’re praising from Morrowind and it’s casuing all sorts of problems now that they’re using it for online multiplayer.
You probably should have paid more attention to that video then since it was likely about how they’d just patched out that bug and started passing out account wide bans for using it.
Yes, an NPC. In Fallout 76. His virtual life is a lonely one indeed.
You can switch Circlet Princess from “Currently not available” to “Never available”. Bilibili is on the production committee for the show and apparently threw around their streaming weight to entirely block any western releases.
Of course Ted Cruz’s beard is wonderful, I’ll get behind anything that means seeing less of his actual face.