
People play it because... and this may come as a shock... they AREN’T you and have their own likes and dislikes.  Are they not covering this kind of shit in kindergarten any more?

The dev room does NOT give people access to “the best equipment in the game”.  All they would be able to get inside for weapons and armor are the base items without any legendary modifiers, essentially the weakest versions possible.  The problem is that they’re able to get access to plans for cosmetics that haven’t

No, because come his next reelection they’ll still endorse and financially support him over any challenger, primary or general, because holding onto seats means everything and incumbents are safer.

Wait... you’re being serious?  The whole problem is that they’re essentially still using the same engine and code you’re praising from Morrowind and it’s casuing all sorts of problems now that they’re using it for online multiplayer.

You probably should have paid more attention to that video then since it was likely about how they’d just patched out that bug and started passing out account wide bans for using it.

Yes, an NPC. In Fallout 76. His virtual life is a lonely one indeed.

You can switch Circlet Princess from “Currently not available” to “Never available”. Bilibili is on the production committee for the show and apparently threw around their streaming weight to entirely block any western releases.

Of course Ted Cruz’s beard is wonderful, I’ll get behind anything that means seeing less of his actual face.

And what about the possibility this WASN’T about sexism? A nobody with a smurf account that refused to reveal their identity suddenly joins a team out of nowhere, that’s going to draw suspicion, scrutiny and derision whether it’s a man or a woman. How often does something like this even happen that you could point out

Except the argument that non-males will face this kind of continued scrutiny depends entirely on the presumption that this incident was simply based on “It’s a girl, they must be a fake” rather than “It’s a smurf account, no one has ever heard of them, they refuse to reveal their name, they must be a fake”

Except they weren’t just piling on this player for the sake of being a woman and making up bullshit reasons to harass them, the impetus behind all of this was just how sketchy the whole thing was.

If you give it an in depth analysis the whole wall analogy actually goes to great lengths to prove how stupid Trumps idea of comparing the walls is.

A minor bug that inconvenienced a relatively small portion of the endgame player base for all of a day and a half? That’s your idea of embarrassing?

Yea, how dare people enjoy playing a game for the sake of enjoying it when everyone is so dead set on telling them how shit it sounds from all the click bait youtube videos and gaming “news” articles.

almost two months after release, it’s one of the only things keeping most diehard fans around, since enemies found in the nuked areas are higher level and drop legendary gear.

The DNA thing was clumsy, but ultimately it was an unfortunate necessity if you work on the assumption that Trump will somehow end up running for reelection.

There comes a time when every parent has to have the Santa talk with their kid. PARENT being the key word here, not some jackass on the phone trying to ham it up for a photo op because he thinks because he gets pleasure out of making people feel bad people everyone must love it too.

You have to imagine there’s an aid in that room with their face buried in their hands muttering “He didn’t swear at any kids, he didn’t ask any kids for money to build a wall, he didn’t ask any kids if Hillary should go to jail.  This was a good day... this was a good day... this was a good day...”

(For the record, like a broken clock twice a day, our president is right: bringing our troops home from never-ending wars created by neocons and the unnecessary conflicts that followed is, in fact, a good thing.)

Trump has lost over $5 million a year due to the Fed’s increasing rates. He somehow just recently had to be told he doesn’t have the uathority to fire Powell so instead he’s attempting to tank long term confidence in the reserve so he can make an excuse to either get Powell pushed out or make him do what he wants.