
Fuck you, of all the kinds of intolerance out there you’re saying this guy deserved to be fired over fucking pronouns? For fuck sake he didn’t even go out of his way to use the WRONG pronoun except as a mistake and not in order to actually harm anyone.

Trump is bragging on twitter that the filing against Cohen today “Totally clears” him... even though in this reality it stops just short of directly naming him as an unindicted co-conspirator to at least two felonies...

You have to remember this is Louie Gohmert, so technically when he insinuates someone is a Nazi collaborator I think he means it as a compliment?

So do you often call your friends incompetent?

Most of the drama over this patch on reddit has been overblown and easily disproven bullshit. You had people complaining that their sneak skill had been nerfed and they were getting detected more easily, people claiming that legendary enemies had their spawns reduced and their drops nerfed and people claiming that

Bethesda may be incompetent but they aren’t evil.

You mean FREE asbestos and broken glass?

“I could go back and spend time in the woods

Trump may be desperate enough for wins/distractions to force a vote on his new not-NAFTA by unilaterally pulling out of the original.  The legal ground for doing so is shaky at best and isn’t likely to stand up in court but that’s never stopped him from trying something before.

Yea... that’s not even the bag that was supposed to go with the power armor edition. It’s an entirely different one they gave to other people while promoting the game.

No it’s just your standard Bethesda game, the kind you usually can’t even play on PC without the console regularly saving the day.

Had the balls? Everyone’s been shitting on this game since it’s release so how is a negative review anything new or daring? They’s get far more shit from far more people if they’d written a glowing review.

And there’s nothing more useful than a review based on personal prejudices instead of actually playing the game.

These things aren’t about reinforcing your feelings, they’re about providing as impartial an overview of the game as possible and forcing people to actually read through all of it to get the full picture. That’s why they stopped fucking doing the big YES/NO reviews, because all some people would do is scroll down to

People are fussing over the casting but I’m curious as to HOW exactly they’re going to adapt the series.

A lot of coincidences are aligning that just might result in Manafort fucking up his own plea deal being a big move toward Mueller nailing Trump.

It was a Black Friday sale... Is it an odd move for a new video game? Yea. Did it likely get Bethesda a few more sales from people who had been on the fence but were waiting for it to get either better or cheaper?  Yea... that was the point. Now the sale is over and it’s back up to full price. Does it suck for the

I was surprised when I saw Bethesda’s post on reddit about how they wanted to communicate more and had outlined all of their upcoming fixes.

Factions are a “thing” in that they exist, though not with any pledging to a single one at the moment. Right now they’re vessels for side stories running separate from or parallel to the plot. However data miners have found enough to suggest that a future update or one of the DLC are going to expand on them in some

There’s an excuse, it’s not a great one but there’s an excuse. The point is to make pins “scarce” by forcing you to only carry so many at a time to lower the burden on your carry weight. That way there’s always a slight chance you’ll start running out or at least run low enough to give you the feeling of scarcity. Beca