
No one is going to use their nukes to ruin your game experience. Even if they’re “easier” to unlock now people want to use them to get the actual loot that comes along with them so they’re going to use them on locations that work well for that purpose. That and if for some reason you do just happen to be camped where

It’s best not to think too hard on where the hell Fallout’s technology falls in the retro to futuristic spectrum. A major divergence point in the timeline is their failure to develop microprocessor technology, which is why any computer not hooked up to a server room full of the actual hardware is little more than a

Funkos are just expensive Happy Meal toys.

The doctored video didn’t work so now they’re changing their story to kicking him out because he “inappropriately refused to yield to other reporters ”and was disrupting their ability to run an orderly and fair press conference”.

He should be scared but not of losing face from losing another senate seat.  Mueller had most if not all of his prosecutors working in office on the federal holiday so something is bound to be dropping this week.

Hahahahaha... haha... ha...

If you want to be extra pissed take a look at the description of the event as described to the press by the Police Chief.

So what you’re syaing is that Bethesda (‘s marketing department) learned the hard way that you can’t turn everything into an enjoyable multiplayer experience?

You have a unique definition of “disaster”. It has it’s issues, but they came out before the beta even launched and warned people that this was going to be a learning experience for everyone and they’re already working toward fixing what they can in the short term with promises of continued long term fixes and support.

You forgot “This isn’t a gun issue, it’s a mental health issue.”

This shit got even crazier since yesterday. Infowars released a doctored version of the clip where they sped up Acosta’s arm to turn their arms bumping into each other as she grabs for his mic into him violently chopping down at her.

Because even after the way Trump has treated him Sessions is like the rest of his party and will gladly roll over if it means serving that party.

The announcement came a day after the midterm elections, a time when presidents frequently make major Cabinet changes.

Trump says his tax returns are “extremely complex” and “people wouldn’t understand them”

This is glorious, not even 24 hours since the results started coming in and he’s already starting to break down convincing himself the Democrats can’t touch him.

How is the GOP holding the Senate a surprise for anyone? They only had to defend like eight seats to the Democrats thirty five or something. The odds of the Democrats holding onto all of those seats and gaining enough additional seats to gain a majority was beyond low.

The liberal fake news doesn’t want you to know that Trump carried 100% of the people who voted Republican today.

Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. 

Sure, the guy who was very very bad at voter suppression lost his bid for governor in Kansas. Meanwhile in Georgia the guy who has been very very good at voter suppression is leading by eight points.

Welcome to the year of 2018, a glorious time where even after the official release of a game the programmer are able to use magical internet tubes to beam updates and fixes straight into your pc or console.