People laughed at me for still being a virgin well into my thirties, but who has a get-out-of-non-penetrative-sexual-assault-free card now suckers?
People laughed at me for still being a virgin well into my thirties, but who has a get-out-of-non-penetrative-sexual-assault-free card now suckers?
Trump will continue to deny Puerto Rico statehood. [Associated Press]
Oh internet, every day is a new and ever more confusing boner.
Depends on what happens. If Rosenstein resigns, slight chance of doom.
The likelihood of a massacre will fall on whether Rosenstein resigns or gets fired. The way it should work is that if he gets fired then Francisco, either permanently or temporarily I’m not 100% sure, gets the promotion and we see where things go from there. However if he resigns the position is considered an “interim…
It’s all about the optics. Pulling Kavanaugh would be a sign of weakness for Trump and the GOP. Trump doesn’t want to pull him out of pure ego and the GOP doesn’t want to pull him because as much as they could spin it to get their base angry at democrats it would just as easily rebound to piss off or disillusion their…
She never mentioned it? Her campaign had a $30 billion, 4,300-word plan to retrain coal workers that covered everything from education and infrastructure to tax credits and school funding.
Trump didn’t win the election with 35% of the vote now did he?
Oh shut the fuck up. Nothing Hillary could have done would have made a difference because she and Trump were playing two entirely different games. She was playing politics and he was flat out lying.
I had a faint glimmer of hope that a tossable turret would be able to attach itself to walls and ceilings. They really dropped the ball there.
The disappointing thing is they don’t really seem to get what people were so disappointed with. They don’t need to build a whole new game mode for every holiday every year, all it requires is a bit of innovation to keep things fresh like how they’ve been adding a new enemy to Junkenstein with each iteration.
Was Kavanaugh respecting Ford’s wishes before or after he allegedly put his hand over her mouth as she screamed? Unclear!
And this is why the GOP has tried to get her to testify and settle this matter as soon as possible, because they know every day that passes is one day closer to the inevitable presidential “Well maybe she asked for it” tweet.
That Warlock card is an instant include in any deck! Who doesn’t want to pay one mana extra for a random demon you either already have in your deck or explicitly didn’t include because it is either useless, will force you to take extra damage or discard your own cards...
She has no official role really, depending on how much power or accountability she wants at a given moment she shifts between the totally meaningless “first daughter” and an informal “adviser”.
“Nothing the FBI or any other investigator does would have any bearing on what Dr. Ford tells the committee, so there is no reason for any further delay.”
Ted says Beto’s gonna ban barbecues.
In an odd bout of self awareness they’ve actually realized that a bunch of old guys badgering a woman for the details of her attempted rape isn’t going to play well on camera and the idea has at least been floated that they have female staffers ask her their questions so they don’t look as bad.
“Judge Kavanaugh is one of the finest people that I’ve ever known,”