"Performed at the apartment of Lyle West (played by Nick Jonas)" . . .
"Performed at the apartment of Lyle West (played by Nick Jonas)" . . .
Sam is in the musical.
Also, as I dubbed him last week:
I gagged through the entirety of the intervention:
He wasn't twelve. He was joking.
It was funny in parts, but overall it was too whacky of an episode for my liking, until the end, which just seemed really, really right.
How else was the show going to ham-handedly personify (perzombify?) Shane's man-alone attitude?
Yeah, she shoots and shoots Daryl and helps turn him into a pussy.
I love how the preview for next week absolutely made irrelevant the lesson that Rick spent this entire episode trying to instill into Shane.
Scene: Kitchen.
This quick back and forth:
Suburgatory is awesome.
Those Big Bang Theory fans, were they paralyzed by their own laughter or laugh-track laughter?
I loved the episode. Southland continues to be really impressive.
I'm sure you met every single cop while you were "there" and know exactly how each one feels about people.
The dialogue was almost awful this episode. Almost nothing seemed genuine.
Cover "I Just Want My Pants Back" on MTV on Thursdays.
I laughed heartily throughout the episode.
Meh, I don't know.
I'm just going to come out and say it: You punked out on giving the episode a grade.