
She’s got enough parts for me...

You clearly have no idea WTF you’re talking about. The AJ27 V8 was one of the best engines they ever built (1999-2003) and the inline 6 4.2L XJ motor is legendary.

I’ve been corrected on this a few times at this point. Consider me suitably chastened, and much more critically aware.

I was impressed with how they keep their tools in order. I swear, once I put a tool down, it wanders off and I can’t find it for 30 minutes.

The Scotland Yard

“The Aussie” it is then!

I can confirm this.

Did he stick his nose in this, or did the press do it for him by asking him about it?

You’re having a bit of a dummy-spit there, mate. What happened, did an Aussie root your missus?

“forced a turnover”

My vote for COTD!

“They conduct a heated race across New York City in their own Yugo and Beetle to determine once and for all which totalitarian government had the best people’s cars.”

“the panels look like they fit together nicely and the car is well-proportioned.”

What the hell is going on with this trunk? It looks like a christmas present wrapping job my 4 year old son did; “Well I got to the end and there was a lot of extra paper so I just mushed it.”

Omgosh I know her!

If only there was a way to look this kind of stuff up somewhere . . . preferably a convenient, keyboard based interface to lots and lots of information that would cover the globe. Hmmmmm. Too bad that doesn’t exist! That would be awesome. /s

You are “free” because you sold your soul to white supremacy, not because of any virtue of America. Your “freedom” comes at the expense of people like us, regardless of whether or not you were born here. Black and Native peoples were here long before Irish and Italians, and yet they were accepted into whiteness

...because it’s a Domino’s delivery vehicle like it says?

You’d think so…

Then you were with ill trained horses or a couple of horses that don’t get along, which should have been separated in the line. I had the pleasure of having horses when I was younger and loved every minute, and no, we didn’t have lots of money. Never been kicked or bitten, never had to tug on reigns in the direction I