Here's the..."Credit Card"

That Jonah Levine record is something else. Been in constant rotation since it came out.

"Fuck room"

Comfort is SO fucking good.

I've been digging into everything on the World Galaxy Records Bandcamp for weeks now. Ronald Bruner Jr's debut record Triumph is incredible as is the so far underrated debut from the Jonah Levine Collective. If you're into jazz and the like, get into this stuff: https://worldgalaxyrecords….

Definitely. The most egregious are the new comedy films that are almost always two hours long. Completely unnecessary.

I had this exact experience. Was excited to finally give in to Hulu and then BAM no more Criterion.

I'd highly recommend listening to the band that did the song (BADBADNOTGOOD). Their latest album IV is fantastic.

While Gordon Ramsay is eloquent with his profanity, there's something about Taffer screaming at someone saying that their bar is why their wife left them that's just so amazing.

IPA market saturation is not going away anytime soon. If you want to succeed as a brewery, you have to make them. There's no way about it.

If you're in Brooklyn and not drinking Other Half…

Plus, what a lot of people overlook is that if you want to keep your doors open, you HAVE to have an IPA. For example, Monkish in SF was about to close their doors because they only brewed Belgian beer, but gave into the trend and now are highly regarded.

Sole's Pineapple Smoosh is the best I've had from them. I've generally dug their stuff.

In my limited Canadian beer experience, I've enjoyed Dieu de Ciel's stuff the best.

The Coneheads are great. That is all.

If you're lucky enough to find it, Koutska Na Sumave's Koutska 12 is the best Pilsner out there. Just incredible stuff.

I have Shudder too. I'm just surprised at what Amazon has added seemingly out of nowhere.

It's worth noting that Prime has really stepped up in the horror/poliziotteschi/general sleaze realms as of late.

No shit? I had always assumed they were only made in St. Mary's, PA.

The worst thing about Ballast Point is that they keep loading up their great staple beers with fake fruit flavors and other nonsense.