Here's the..."Credit Card"

Saturday nights with Red Green and Red Dwarf back to back for me. It was a weekly routine that my Dad and I took part in.

Cycles was a pretty cool 7" but since then? Nah.

Column of Heaven were so good. I still spin all of The Endless Blockade stuff regularly too.

Voodoo's Grande Negro Voodoo Papi might not only be the best stout, but the best beer period.

There was a draught version of this that was barrel-aged floating around last year. It somehow showed up in Pittsburgh and was phenomenal.

While I understand not wanting the larger bottle to yourself, I guess it's a hair better to have a bigger bottle for when places charge out the ass for one. Or something…

Peter Nincompoop.

Mac and Charlie Die is the best thing the show has ever done.

The first season is really underrated.

As good as Sunny was in its prime, every season has a few clunkers. Even the almost perfect third season (Aluminum Monster v. Fatty McGoo). Most of the fourth season is pretty lame, but contains the best episodes the series ever did (Mac and Charlie Die).

I'm really excited to check out Miles Mosley's debut solo record Uprising when it comes out this month.

I've always had a special fondness for the big car chase scene in Lethal Weapon IV.

I've yet to see The People vs. OJ, but I have a hard to believing it will eclipse Made in America for me. Not only is it one of the best documentaries I've ever seen, but it's also like a David Roediger book in documentary form.

I think it's funny that White Lung's mention on the list links to a track from one of their great albums and not the shitty one they released this year.

Cabin in the Woods is perfectly adequate, but is so "baby's first meta horror."

Also, just listen to everything on Holodeck records. Seek out the early S U R V I V E jawns plus Flatliner and Troller.

No it isn't, you ding a ling.

Zombi fucking rules and so does all of the solo output of Moore and Pattera. I saw Majeure open for S U R V I V E a few weeks ago and it was synth, drum solo excess. Perfect.

I'm definitely in the minority here, but I thought Hush was pretty lame. Both it and Don't Breathe had the same issue of running out of steam around the 40 minute mark. Both would have been better as short films.

Years ago I bought the Crossed Out discography CD from Wal-Mary's site. Anything is possible.