
this maybe our future in the long term.

remember wen it was on the nintendo 64 the peace sim on highest difficulty slap ya silly.

ha i tried something similar with the snap pop whatever their called filled a tupperware with them, i had managed to put the lid on but, i had made a mistake though i put it on my bed and wen i went to get up the shifting caused the little rocks in there to move witch i guess was enough friction to set them all off

things stupid keyboard is bent

that guy can make people into anyone of those thing all you need is a really bad year.

till someone runs them over with their truck.b/c rage or shoots him cause people don’t carry weapons lol i bet he weaves in and out of traffic like and asshole to.always nice to slam on brake wen you look out for them probly should say golly office he just can out of nowhere.

no what i need is that armor with mario boots

really fast ball lighting?

you’d think with all the staff every politician has that they would say something intellegent, more often but then again, this makes it more cause for celebration, wen they finaly do say somthing after all the millions they spend/inhale,a whole team of people to help them not do/say something dumb and what happens

hide it under your credit card looked like the desk near his hand .trigger must be it

at least it’s not like china’s

fusion here we come.

lol censor it so we remain blissfully unaware of it that will do.

complaining about saving frogs is like complaining about genetic research of fruit flys.

the future you want