
Percentages aren’t a good way to view this and are very misleading.

1g fiber. 1g sugar. That isn’t a gap at all. Stop using %’s as they are misleading. Also, carbs aren’t bad for you, 6g difference isn’t much in the large scheme of things. There is a huge margin of error in calorie/macro count on the labels. So worrying about so few grams is not seeing the forest for the trees.


No, no it isn’t. The protein is the only significant outlier and while that makes quinoa a better choice for some meals where you have less protein from other sources, it’s in no way a blanket argument against any other grain. Quinoa’s marketing is amazing and I honestly love the stuff but come the fuck on... It’s not

If you’re eating more than a cup of rice, you need to start with portion control before you worry about what you’re portioning.

Those relative %’s to small portion sizes are meaningless in the terms of actual dietary requirements. Yes, it is very you clear don’t know what level of difference actually means. There is no gap in absolute terms. You can sneeze one gram of protein away, and there’s very minimal fiber difference. Both rice and

1 extra gram of fiber per cup

There is a huge difference between quinoa and rice... wtf?

So, Stephen Miller works for Google now.

Yes, you are an enthusiast. Nothing wrong with that, I am as well. But a majority of the world does not care or even really know about the difference between streaming HD, 1080p Bluray discs and 4k. We are not the majority.

Well thank goodness you made sure to point out some of us do not have the option. Full time: Exec Assistant and Reception at a small real estate office - there IS no one else. Part time: radio - again, no breaks. So how about an article about how the American people have squandered all of their “worker’s rights” by

“in a fucking “right-to-work” state. If I wasn’t expected to “make up” the time I was taking a lunch break, believe me I’d fucking take it”

^^THIS. The erosion of unions is a bunch of medieval bullshit. The 1% have *all time record profits* and productivity, yet they want more, are greedy f*cks and will ride you to

Came to comments to say this. Third type: those of us who work straight through so we can get home at a reasonable hour and see the kids before bedtime.

My last job was like that. I wish I could have eaten at my desk, except I was reprimanded for doing so once. Apparently the owner of the company hated the smell of food. Fuck that place. 8-5 with an unpaid hour long lunch.

I don’t take a lunch break because my asshole company wants me to stop the clock while I’m lunching, so a “9 to 5" is really either an “8 to 5" or “9 to 6.” I have a family and other parts of my life that I like a lot, lot more than my job, and I have a commute through some of the worst traffic in the country. I grew

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

Wait what? Go ahead and explain that.

Did no one tell her IT’S FUCKING NOVEMBER?

A coworker of mine got “Merry Christmas” on her cup this morning and posted it to Facebook. It’s the dumbest shit to get riled up over. And yeah, you are just giving your money to Starbucks in “protest” of their fucking cups.

I love how a certain group of loud-mouthed Christians are also all about guns. Did they forget the part of the Bible where God commanded “Thou shalt not kill?” Or the many parts where Jesus condemned violence?