K. Szydlo

Daaamn, that’s my man Woolie!

Wii at least had the phonetics to sound like “We”, which was great in their commercials and really hit home the local multiplayer aspect.

No way this guy’s almost six feet of pure muscle bulk and only weighs 150 lb...

Who knew the key to reaching across the aisle was Hearthstone?

Correct, yes, they should not be operating in China if China requires them to be complicit in totalitarianism.

I’m holding out for Freedom Cobra

Sounds as salty as those who bemoan the current design...so no, I wouldn’t say they said it best.

No body thinks any of this. You cannot copywrite concepts (Battle Royale), and this is where you seem to be lost on your first paragraph.

What are the microtransactions paying for?”

I fully support the message about harassment ... the microtransaction apologism, not so much. After 10 years of increasingly predatory monetization the “you don’t understand the videogame industry”and “it’s just cosmetics” excuses are hollow.

The only one I can think of that even mentions it anymore is Jim Fucking Sterling Son.

Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.

Just wait...

That’s because influencers are worth their weight in gold. An influencer in the hand is worth two in a crumpled canvas bag. 

5 was ok, it’s just guilty of trying too hard to be 4.

I’m sorry you’re sad but man i’m so fucking amped to get more botw action!

this is the worst take

You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately. 

Sometimes, sequel are a good thing.

I admit, I have a love/hate relationship with marketing and I think this whole affair is absolutely disgusting. Actually no, it’s the whole culture of secrecy about videogames and E3 that I hate with a passion. I really wish the industry would stop hiding everything with the pretext that the reveal needs to be