K. Szydlo

He could have won and after that take a break in Sun&Moon area to just enjoy the little R&R after finally doing his very best, but no, they had to make him lose so that they would have reason to keep making more and give him that carrot on stick to follow. I mean even Ash would have been made winner, would that mean

You’re getting a star for that Snob gif.

Does that mean Ash could now possibly die too, I’m going to be soooo happy if that happened. What! I grew up in the 80s, characters died left and right.

I don’t know why they just don’t make good games then people will buy them.

Libraries buy the books, usually lots of copies. Anybody who protests libraries because creators don’t get paid is not even worthy of debate.

The Blood Elf starting zone is a LOT more lore intensive. However the Night Elf region’s been severely streamlined from what it originally was, and it lost something in the process.

I know “branding” sounds awful and very corporate, sellout I guess. But, as I Have No Account and I Must Post said, you are a person I would follow if you left here, branding with your name would make you easier to find, and it makes your video series unique. I won’t remember “Toy Time” 5 seconds after I click

They’re the Pokemon that can learn Crush three times.

You might want to re-think your dislike of the branding.

Simple, to revamp her look beyond what would have been a simple clothing change. Face it, they're all just wearing boring sportswear in those summer skins. Besides, Zarya isn't the only person who had her hair changed, so did Lucio and Tracer.

There is continuity between seasons though; I mean, his older Pokemon sometimes come back (they’ve gone back to the Charizard well several times over the years).

2016 is a fucking mess, Patricia.

To be clear, the bankruptcy likely has very little to do with the actual Ghostbusters game - as you can see from reading the article, Fireforge had a long, troubled history before that. I would guess that they took on this licensed project as a quick band-aid, but found themselves bleeding to death nonetheless.

So he shot at people who just happened to be parked in front of his house.... So why should people have guns again? They weren’t even on his property and he started open firing at people. Funny how two people were together, they were parked, they weren’t playing while driving, they were aware of their surroundings,

We used to play Smash Brothers in our college dorm, and none of us had any grounding in Pokémon so we just made up names for the things that hatched out of the pokeball item. Some said their names intelligibly like Snorlax and Bulbasaur (sp?). Some... Not so much. To me, this Pokémon will forever be known as Floppy

Previous Rainbow Six titles had a thoroughly enjoyable solo mode as well as a fun online offering, so you can imagine a bunch of people feeling gutted after playing Siege (which doesn’t even let you play the series signature solo mode, Terrorist Hunt, without an Internet connection Or friendly AI). People still played

Of course, to her phone, it just looked like this.


If he isn’t, that’s totally CENSORSHIP.