K. Szydlo

It’s truly baffling why someone would want to play a digital card game instead of just amassing a huge collection of physical cards which you then have to organize and keep proper while you wait for someone with a deck or tournament to maybe eventually pop up 45 minutes away. Truly the most perplexing phenomenon to

Didn’t even know this was happening, that’s a very pleasant surprise. Halo Wars was actually what got me into RTS’ having originally been a console gamer.

I’m so tired of the piracy apologists justifying their actions by saying “Oh, I can’t afford it” or “Oh, I wouldn’t have played it anyway”.

“Were they physical copies the collector in me would be compelled to make them look pretty on a shelf. Instead they’re just ghosts wandering an electronic limbo with business that will never be finished.”

Oblivion is easily my favorite as well. Just so many good times role playing in that world compared to in Skyrim. Fondest memories are of closing the portals for Sigil Stones and custom enchanting my gear from those to feel like the ultimate badass. Good times, good times.

As both a gamer and an antiquarian, I have to say that that is freakin’ awesome

Didn’t expect to watch all of that, but that was surprisingly entertaining! I could see this becoming its own show if they worked it a little bit.

Not at all what I’m trying to say, just stating the fact that secretlife’s statement was incorrect. Calm down and stop trying to pick a fight.

Just as an FYI, I’m not making a point about censorship itself, I’m making a point about poor vocabulary and the objectional falsehood of censorship being defined as needing to involve government.

This is false, censorship can come from a number of different parties, government censorship is just the most egregious, especially when in places like the US where there are laws against prior restraint

To be fair, Alan Wake’s wife dragged HIM to the rubbish town, not vice versa... wait, what was her name again?... Eh, who cares.

Meh, the framerate issues can be a little annoying but it doesn’t really affect the gameplay, which is good enough that I can ignore the stutter. On a lot of cases, though, I do agree with you

Do want Temmiibo.

That was magical.

I’ve always found lightly salted potatoes and chocolate to be a surprisingly good mix. Its basically just pure sugar, though.

Taken at face value, this makes sense. However, YS seems to be more of a satire/love letter to tongue in cheek yandere anime than something like an ACTUAL porn game. It reminds me of how Leisure Suit Larry got such a bad rap for being porn when it was basically comedy first and foremost.

Trogdor the Burninator from TROGDOR!!!, of course

Whoa, didn’t expect an ASMR video. I totally dig it, though.

Look up Trump’s Basic Teachings on YouTube. He’s one of the top players in the world and that series goes over just about everything you need to know.

As much as I feel like I’d enjoy Persona, I’ve never been able to get into them since I haven’t been able to play the previous games. FF and I have a tumultuous on again off again relationship (ugh, XIII) but I just can’t leave it. Too much fondness for the good times, I guess