
Futuristic concepts, though the plot itself doesn't have a good view of futurism, as I can surmise from these Tomorrowland clips and quotes.

I wonder if Bieber has a food allergy. Matha Stewart has an allergy for shellfish I hear, so I wonder if it doesn't expand to Bieber allergy. hehe

This looks interesting. Though I wonder about whether the religion change of Monroe is of any interest in the story. Maybe, how it affected her.

I dunno if he being a teen mom's product is something to make fun of. But it's probably a reason for his being much used by the music industry.

Well, one thing about rock bands of the 90s, they are surely the biggest influence of the most rock bands today. I would know, my friends who became singers tried to sound like Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam.

Oh wow. So onion rings are donuts. How about onion-flavored donuts! Cool. hehe

And maybe they could make it into a cartoon movie like many others?

Sure wish they'd allow bringing one's own snacks for really healthy choices.

Can't wait to see what they'll do with Frozen. Maybe they'll title it Disney on Ice. hehe