Private for profit businesses in my ‘feverish libertarian fantasy’ work in the same ways it would operate in reality, and are at the mercy of their patrons. Public oversight as you call it is code for a ‘naive leftist fantasy’ that thinks it can regulate something to be cheaper for themselves and still have a working…
Generally people who want better services can pay for them and a for profit model is the most accountable. After all, if it depends on real capital to survive, it’ll do everything it can to provide a real service. Where did this dumb attitude come from, letting people convince themselves that profit is a bad thing?
Probably because it’s a stupid attack sloppily shoved into the form of a question, of course it doesn’t need answering. The amount of ‘liberals’ that this needs to be explained to proves that ‘education’ is in need of reform. Maybe try going back to the basics and remove all the marxist indoctrination?
He’s trash talking her because she’s a bad person and he’s not going to let himself get Katrina’d. What kind of asshat goes around scheduling interviews for the msm to shit on Orange Hitler? The same kind of person that uses the aftermath of a disaster for political brownie points, time better spent actually helping…
Every. Single. Time.
Why can’t you people ever get anything accomplished? All your demonstrations amount to whining about ‘injustice’ more often than not while inconveniencing others, vandolism of property that you can’t afford to repair/replace or violence against people for having the wrong opinions.
More black historical fan fiction on the level of ‘we wuz kangs’ in Egypt. At some point this needs to stop.
hurricanes have always existed
The only credible and tangible thing environmentalism has done is keep poor countries from using their natural resources, so they remain poor, only until afterwards when a richer country comes to take that wealth. Think of places in South American countries where UN sanctions are so bad, people don’t have access to…
Maybe that is true, we would never know. Problem is that Obama did literally none of that, except maybe the healthcare bit and you actually had less coverage for the same price of healthcare before Obamacare.
The limp wrist faggot revolution sure is coming along nicely. Justifying violence against elderly people for wearing the wrong hat. Super ANTI FASCIST guys! Kinda what happens when you tell these idiots that anything right of Mao is a Nazi and it’s okay to beat them over a disagreement. You and your big nose deserve…
Welp... I guess the hurricanes a racist too.
They probably pay more taxes yearly than you could save up in five or even ten years. You people are ridiculous, just keep sipping on your government subsidized corn syrup and stop being jealous cows.
That is a North American Rattlesnake.
notice how she wasn’t even hit by the dodge challenger?