
Seems more like your inability to have a reasoned debate is the result of not having an argument to begin with. The outcry against the memo is ridiculous, especially considering the message overall was a call for diversity. Worse that the opposition doesn’t even take offense to his central positions and opinions, but

Now playing

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you can call it a duck.

Si senor this is your checklist now. How am I supposed to drink 12 cans of corn syrup a day if you don’t pay for my healthcare? Gracias por favor polo asada

you can zoom around on it like you’re a refugee from the future.

da joos own art, that is why degenerate art is so pervasive nowadays and considered valuable, things of beauty are called passe or obsolete. destroy jews, destroy degenerate art, simple? someone came up with the idea that the only thing art has to do to be good is to make a statement, guaranteed that person was a jew

I used to be one 0f those people that hated Mike Love too. What a great song. It gets harder to hate Mike the farther into the Beach Boys catalogue you go.  

The Holohoax will be revealed. The truth does not fear investigation. :^)

The Queen is a cute. CUTE!

I’ve spent a day skimming it so you don’t have to

>looks up handball

Actually no, this is what happens when a private airline is regulated by the US government for ‘national security’.

On one hand it’s kinda irritating knowing he is hamming it up for the camera, a pretty sweet lawsuit is probably coming. On the other hand TSA are legitimately the worst, bottom of the barrel rent-a-cop, molesters. No TSA employee should have the right to call themselves a patriot or a citizen, they should all be

 Ayo, Syrians b white yo... blacklivesmatter

I don’t really see it as a problem anymore. People have believed in far weirder things for no real reason besides an emotional need to believe. In all honesty as far as propaganda goes, I find most of it very nostalgic and quaint, like a throwback. We fundamentally misunderstand the stories we hear from the beginning,

What are you talking about? We never left and we fight every day. Don’t forget

I thought people were joking about hearing sirens. Cruel prank.