Convenient place to stop the story. Not all the facts, as always.
It’s not your fault that Hillary was a dumpster fire candidate, not even Hillary is to blame for that.
Don’t you understand what it is to be A E S T H E T I C? Anyway, this does nothing for me. Not quite satanic enough.
He is probably just tired of getting awarded for things he wrote when he was twenty and became disillusioned with at twenty-four. The same people who called him a spokesman for their generation, the people he tried to distance himself from and the still does today, those 60's radicals are the ones in political power…
The end will not be televised. The end will be documented on the weird part of youtube.
Being empathetic and compassionate is easy, you don’t have to break your back or betray your beliefs just to understand. Us stupid people have to wait around for the ones who also have good judgment, they are the Supermen.
I guess people started lighting the fires of human liberty early, they just thought it was literal.
Not that anyone will care or should but, that isn’t even the person Shoah the Beef assaulted. He mistook one of his own fans for a maga-nazi and punched him off camera. I can’t believe you get paid for this. Bobby Fingershisbutt must know some really big jews in high places, most of these liberal bloggers do.
Good for them. The ones who will have the easiest entry will be skilled people from the EU, America, India, China and Commonwealth countries.
Listen, your ISP has always had the ability to sell your browsing habits to advertisers but they never have because it would have reflected badly on them. There were people who gave a shit about privacy before the year 2017. The legislation was to stop your ISP from doing something that Facebook and Google already do.…
I used to think American Pie was lame and embarrassing, that it was too long or something. It isn’t just the melody that gets me anymore, the lyrics I love too.
Wow, I didn’t know Bill likes James Brown? At least that’s one thing cool about him and the last thing we need is more Al Sharpton’s anyway. When will liberals ever learn from their mistakes?
Canada is free-speech, more so than in the US
We know you are Canadian, but I really hope you are pro-Canadian. You obviously aren’t pro-American or like what America stands for. It might be hard seeing it where you are sitting because they ban opinions in Canada. If you were pro-Canada you wouldn’t be whining about racism and prejudice, you sure wouldn’t be…
We established that you live in Canada and that you were born there but you didn’t just outright say you were Canadian. You’re feeling this out trying to figure out how racist I am, and my best guess is that you are a second generation immigrant. Do you understand yet? Being Chinese or Muslim would have been more…
Honestly it was just a small observation and nothing to get worked up about. I’ve only been to Canada twice, north of Seattle state border when I was really young and Toronto a few years ago. Toronto is a diversely populated place so there could have been all sorts of smelly people, they were practically everywhere,…