

The ‘hotep’ thing is funnier knowing that only a very short dynasty of Egypt was actually black and they were nubian, not sub-saharan. Having a rudimentary, American, high-school level education of geography is enough to tell that these two different peoples lived across the whole freaking continent from one another. 

A true patrician would never fly in a commercial airliner while private jets exist.

I think in most of the world, at least some men in canada do not wear deodorant. People just kind of smell like people up there, lol

as long as increased government efficiency doesn’t mean more shekels for Israel then it sounds good

Just robots killing people is kinda harsh, t-800s have to be the most recognizable example in the genre of robots killing people. I think the doom of a good franchise is confusion on part of the fan base on what they want. People want more of the Terminator story but the story in the originals were not just robots

>politifact and (((factcheck))).org

Not many that I see. There are however plenty of times I’ve seen puzzles like this, or people claiming to be working in intelligence. Over the election we had plenty of posters who said they worked at the DNC or for the FBI, I wouldn’t doubt some of these are true due to the posting nature of the site, why spooks

They classify middle easterners as asian because they are asian, being less specific. It does help in pr after any of these happen, the EU is crashing and burning and they don’t need any more reasons for people to blame their policies. 

I’m just surprised the contestants were on the last letter before any of them even tried to make a simple guess.

“jet fuel can’t melt steel memes”*

If it works anything like LaWS you will be able to see a trail of moisture in the air dissipating. If it works anything like science fiction, any vehicle or concrete building in line of sight will either burn down or be made into a furnace.

Trump is both the spirit of JFK and the revenge of the Teaparty, after years of being shafted by liberal media and GOP alike, conservatives finally win. The old GOP just won’t stop showing their stripes, time and again over the past year they have proven themselves to be just as worthless as democrats, working for the

I know this is supposed to be a liberal blog, but the insanity of actually reading someone hold the opinion that the internet needs to have regulation on an equal level with cable is just too much. This is like banning music because it causes devil worship. Europe is so scared of the people’s resentment of the EU

I think I remember the one he sent, for reference. *Seizure warning*

especially when the person targeted in the “internet witch hunt” said nothing wrong, especially nothing factually or verifiably wrong.

Or... something in the water is making everyone desperate to be offended. Some of us love being offended so much, we fake it. When we can’t be offended, we give someone else exactly what they want, something to complain about. I’m offended that the patriarchy is keeping those clothes on.

Here’s a thing, everytime David Icke says reptile aliens, replace it with jews. Look for funny russo jew names like (((Novak))) and (((Epstein))).