
I don’t call people fighting for it’s countries quality of life, as in not having third worlders foisted upon them by government. Any culture that condones rape because of urges and murder because of ideological difference, don’t need nor deserve tolerance, they need to be sent back home. If we are compassionate, we

Yes I am, is that a problem? Freedom of speech is a good thing, especially when it comes to things people don’t want to hear. I hate socialist principles, but I still feel bad that Bernie’s supporters got shafted, they are still Americans and deserve to be represented truthfully. It’s not fair to them that Bernie sold

I wouldn’t, it sounds more like that’s your agenda by saying muslim terrorist and communities with strict adherence to islam are acceptable as long as the majority are ‘moderate’. People are allowed to react against ideologies that are intolerable, in Germany it’s illegal to comment on the amount of rape and pillaging

There were 75 arson attacks on asylum shelters in Germany in 2015, and right wing hate crimes rose 10% - do you really want to implicitly support the motivations behind those?

No refunds

Exactly, I’m not white, and I’m tired of getting branded that way. I got so sick of it, I just pretend to be a Nazi when speaking to them. It gets them so riled up and its so fun to watch.

every religion has violence in it’s present and a lot of violence in it’s past

I’m a troll and I do it for free. Being a troll however, does not make me wrong.

How deluded do you have to be to believe colluding with media, controlling public discourse in social media, paid shills, fake protestors and fake stories are legitimate? That is rigged, that is corruption and I’m not even counting the voter black outs in NYC.

Bitching about white males is less sexist? You’re either racist/sexist, or you’re not, double standards are for low effort thinkers and hypocrites. I’m only giving back exactly what I see. I’m being a troll, but being a troll does not make me wrong.

Oh look, Shillary does that too, hmm.

I know muslims in real life who are moderate, but even they know there are dumb fucks that came out of their religion, who think killing infidels is justified by god.

What are you talking about? I know what a republic is buddy, i’m not even a democrat, but when you have two democrat candidates you expect the party to be impartial and to let the people decide. We vote for representatives, that’s where you and I come in when it comes to a republic. When the democrats are actively

No, I don’t care about muslim women’s rights if they choose to live like that. What I don’t understand is how feminist can readily defend an actual patriarchal ideology/system of governance and still believe they are fighting for women’s rights. The graph is nowhere to be found because the graph was made by counting

Lol, who said I gave a shit about that? I don’t morally posture to try and convince people of anything. People can still be sexist, racist and rude and still be correct. Those words are flimsy arguments, they don’t make you a more tolerable person and they aren’t refuting anything I said. You’re a dumb cunt, at least

Because the primaries are only the voter turnouts? You seem to forget there is a whole else going on that influences that voter turnout. I wonder how many of you will respond this way, without actually looking into the what wikileaks released? The link is right there, and it won’t be the last of what they find in the

How dare she break out from her programming and realize these people on the left are whip crackers. You can be a “colored folk” and be “accepted” as long as you agree with everything dumb cunt feminist say. Apparently, as soon as you disagree, the insults start flying and the white lady breaks out the whip. “How dare

I didn’t agree with the white male part, so I made an equally dubious observation. Unlike her however, the evidence seems to be in my favor.

Yeah, kinda like how retard was a readily acceptable term for a long time. Now its mentally handicapped, that is probably unfashionable now. Today it’s ‘people of color’, tomorrow it’s ‘melanin enriched’.

They’re racist. They just think you can’t be racist when the only term you use is “white male”