
hah, might have a reason to start watching a sport.

The right to scoot around in your car isn’t guaranteed in the constitution.

I’m totally fine with agreeing to disagree but as far as ‘burden of proof’ is concerned the existence of human beings that are violent/murderous gives people the right to protect themselves. The actual ‘proof’ is easier, read the constitution.

Yeah because driving drunk, murder, and manslaughter aren’t already things that are punished by law (illegal). Solid logic there. Alcohol is now illegal because some people can’t drink responsibly.

What are you implying? Are you saying because people do drive drunk everyone should lose their drivers license?

They call it a living document for a reason and the document exist for anyone to read for themselves. When you set down to make legal documents you use unambiguous language, if they went through revisions that only means they were trying to make something that couldn’t be misinterpreted without stretching or breaking

I’m sorry but that isn’t true, the founding fathers were adamant that the constitution and the bill of rights were made to guarantee natural rights for the citizens not any state or entity and that would include a militia. The right to defense of your life is older than just America. It was written in a time after the

This is pretty. You are pretty. If you weren’t such a jewish princess it would be easier for me to like you.

I’m an ignorant and naive idealist not a personal injury lawyer. Thanks for explaining though.

Agreed, I haven’t been alive too long but every election I can remember has been a shit storm. Distinctly remember my stepdad sitting me down and making me watch the Bush and Kerry debates, and I was hoping someone else was coming along. Obama let me down too. I love what this country stands for and the ideas that

This is fucking horrible, those kids should definitely be held responsible. However I can understand why the school has to cover their ass in this, being a private school means they aren’t taking government money, a lawsuit can get the whole place shut down. I wish Americans actually wanted justice instead of just

Remember when people used to dodge the draft? When was the last time a draft was used to fight a necessary war?

Too many of his supporters don’t realize the illegals they want to deport do the kinds of jobs that most Americans just wouldn’t do, or at least not as well. On the other hand encouraging people to come here illegally is a real problem, it’s not too much to ask for people immigrate legally. When you are illegal you

Heres an argument I’ve seen before

Thing is those two groups can overlap.

A well regulated militia is the opening line because it is the main point and reason for everything that follows it. Hence the right of the ‘people’ shall not be infringed. Because we live in a shitty world where we need a standing army to protect against invaders, the people should have the same right incase the

Well when you share a country with people who decide they love a corrupt government just because the POTUS isn’t white, as far as I can see racism/tribalism is just a default. To my warped brain racism is hilarious, I love seeing people get flustered about race because they are so hypocritical about it. On both sides,

I’m a murderer, a racist, a rapist, an uncle tom or am I really just a strawman? If I only had a brain.

Now playing

How does that rhyme go? This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home. This little piggy got on the internet because he went wee-wee-wee all through the hailstorm, and you can watch the video below.

Prison isn’t just about reform, prison is about establishing a humane incentive to not commit crime. The justice system is flawed for sure but its not that the prisons are privatized it’s a mixture of privatized and public otherwise they wouldn’t be getting subsidy from the government, it is called crony capitalism.