Telmo "Trooper"

Funnily enough, actually hitting the 1FPS count is harder than you think. Once you drop below 30 FPS, you're taking around 30 milliseconds per frame. To half that, you have to double the time the frame takes to output. Just increasing what is rendered isn't a linear increase in time. Say you get 60 FPS with rendering

I have a problem with horror movies and (kind of) horror games, but I've found horror manga to be so much more interesting.

He was pretty tame in comparison to the woman who just flat out refused to even give it a chance and immediately started babbling about how it was evil and a blight on humanity. The rest of them though, were great. It's interesting seeing people with little to no background on the series discovering it as they

There's absolutely zero shame in playing eroge.

Am I the only one that thinks it's hilarious that the images in the article about Steam censoring porn games are *literally* censored with steam?

No other aspect of Shirobako is half as aggravating as Taro. Like Aoi, Taro is a production assistant. Unlike Aoi, he's simply incompetent. He is the cause of numerous problems throughout the first half of the anime. He misses meetings and deadlines, hits on the female staff, and completely expects other people to get

go play gta if you dont like how saints row is ...cry some more whiner

On the plus side it was $5 on over the weekend, and it'll still be worth that.

This is why we can't have nice things.

The pressures that mascot characters are under to retain a paying gig are horrendous.

Well, to be fair, the character she was cosplaying has bigger, creepier eyes.

First up, the feature with the biggest long-term implications. There is now a "follow" button in every Steam user's profile, separate from friending them outright. Granted, a follow option already existed in Steam to an extent, but it was mainly focused on Steam Workshop (read: mods) creators, Steam Greenlight

In a world over-saturated with stale First Person Shooter games, i'd welcome a new Diablo clone with open arms.

Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles was the closest thing they made to a Diablo clone back then, and it was a pretty good game. It had more exploration because of the platforming mechanics, but it was heavy action

Let's just admit the headline is stupid.

pretty sure 19yrs is not a kid, is a full grown adult

I wonder if something along the lines of the following rules could be implemented:

There probably is one... and they looked at 140,000 big spending One Direction fans flooding into town vs 500 for Djangocon... and whistled and looked the other way.


Sigh. Highly obfuscated, confusing code mashed on to single lines is not training material. It's probably meant as a funny example, but it's sad how many new people approach coding as a challenge to prove how awesome they are at syntax instead of trying to make something readable, understandable and easily modified.

Eh. Sometimes, GTA is spot on, but sometimes, it goes for the laziest, cheapest "satire" possible and just ends up looking stupid.

It's actually a lot like South Park in that way.

Plus, sometimes the satire is either confused or...well, sort of gross. Like, when GTA makes shitty comments about trans people, are they