
I went to a predominately white school & from kindergarten to 12th grade I was 1 out of maybe 16 black kids. We were basically the only negroes that they had been around & we were considered the “good ones.” They basically believed whatever black stereotype they saw on a few channels of tv. Slavery was never depicted

If they’re asking why, then your efforts will be fruitless. A shame. I’d want to know about a family member being a bigot so I can confront them about it

Blue lives matter, unless it’s my wife biting one.

It’s unwatchable.

I completely hear, understand, and side with her on this point, but can someone explain to me whether she has a strong legal case? Discrimination would work if male cheerleaders had to adhere to different rules from female cheerleaders, but since being a football player is an inherently different position from being

This is America, labor isn’t valued anymore.

Yeah.. I was an obsessed Ravens fan for a few years. Even took my class to meet and play with Ray Rice (before scandal).

I only watch games with my dad, and only enjoy them because we turn the volume down low so we can provide our own commentary and chat about unrelated things and then I sort of do work and he periodically naps. They’re just one half-step better than sitting in the living room in silence. (We’re Bills fans, but they

Cheerleaders aren’t allowed to post photos of themselves to social media that show them in lingerie (or nude, or semi-nude)...“If I post something, and I’m in a swimsuit or in a body suit, it’s seen as something sexual.

Your average NFL Game:

993- The games are insufferable to watch due to commercialization.

That’s only the 1000th reason not to watch the NFL. I’m losing track!

If you are a dancer (especially a ballet dancer), you spend your entire life being treated as a dispensable placeholder for a better dancer, while arrogant, marginally talented boys/men are groomed for principal roles and advance to principal soloist in 5-10 years rather than 15-20 years. If they’re straight, they’ll

How are they to even know if a player walks into a place they are at? Not like they’d know who a backup lineman is. I have to say these rules, not just by the Saints, but others we’ve been hearing about the past month, are quite silly, and I hope something gets done. The NFL itself should be looking into this itself.

The number of times that I have been told or have witnessed another female dancer be told, “There are a 100 other women waiting to do your job for free,” are countless because I have never bothered to count them. It’s ubiquitous. If you are a dancer (especially a ballet dancer), you spend your entire life being

Shit on a dick, that is fucked. I hope they’re able to unionize and get some terms of employment that are actually fair.