Such big internet talk. Go take your kid to the next big public gathering in France big man
Such big internet talk. Go take your kid to the next big public gathering in France big man
If you think that one guy being influenced by a very vaugely Christian group blowing up a building in 1995 compares to Muslims casually killing/attacking directly in the name of Allah in multiple western countries just in the past month, we’re already dead.
LOL it’s always Uganda. I 100% agree that there is a backwards Christian cult in the dregs of Africa that is horrible. If you seriously think that compares to Muslims walking onto trains in Germany and nightclubs in Orlando and killing in the name of Allah, we’re already dead
Link me to those terror attacks in the name of Christianity please
Just to be clear. You’re suggesting that “the internet” made up all of those articles/polls? Let’s just focus on one then to make this easier for you. Are you familiar with last year’s poll of Muslims living in the UK done by the Times?
This is a brave hill to die on on the day a Muslim refugee slashes up a bunch of people on a German train, a few days after a Muslim runs over dozens of French, shortly after a Muslim kills a bunch of homosexuals in a night club.