
Here is how it should be done:

I love how white people and academic black people are pretty much the only ones who get offended by this shit and then feel the need to tell everyone else why they should be offended... You all remind me of church missionaries trying to save my soul from sin.

I often feel uncomfortable whenever the topic of cultural appropriation comes up because I feel so many qualms with the perspective of exclusion. I feel like this article would have been strengthened if she illustrated this statement with examples so that we can more clearly see the distinction. Perhaps then I

Why is it that the only comments displayed are ones that agree with the Author? Some others made a good point but clearly Jezebel hivemind must continue on. Dodai your articles normally rock but this is giving off vibes like the NPR yellow cake article.

I kind of wonder what it's like to be a black person who isn't interested in any of those things and have white people constantly telling you that those things are a part of your identity and you should be so attached to them that you get mad when white people try to take them from you.