I'm not gonna lie. You people are weird.
I'm not gonna lie. You people are weird.
You can save yourself one of those steps if you like: when you salvage an item with a gem in it, you get the gem back without having to pay the unsocket fee. So if you’re done done with the item, just salvage it directly.
Re:pokemon, that’s because the main character’s mother slept at Dr Oak’s
I’m more pissed at Kotaku spoiling something within 24 hours of release then anything else. But they have to meet their spoiler in Titles quota somehow.
thanks for the spoiler...
The movie is directed at children. If my kids love it, and they will because Mario, then it’s a winner.
People expecting the next Whiplash or LOTR will be severely disappointed.
People are talking like the Super Mario movie has to be the next Citizen Kane to be good and forget that its Mario. It was fun, enjoyable, light popcorn faire, which is all it had to be.
Sure, that’s a vulva. If you’re one of those terminally-online folks who also happen to be into a certain category on “the Hub” allows you to peak into the abyss, that is.
Everything is Malenia is pretty cool but that seems way too possible. May I recommend Everything is Fire Giant?
Except Holland is not a country. It is a region of 2 provinces of the 12 total provinces of the Netherlands (the country).
Yeah, but they announced up front that they were going to focus on a smaller number of first party games over the next few months.
The joys of a public company answering to shareholders.
How can you even SEE us, from astride a horse that high?
what the hell is even this
Daily reminder that Twitter doesn’t matter, isn’t real, and every second you spend on there represents money in Elon Musk’s pocket. Stop talking about Twitter. Stop linking to Tweets. Get off Twitter.
I think people just fall into the trap of thinking that min-maxing is the “right way” to play the game, not realizing that approach is for the numbers nerds who are obsessed with sucking the fun out of the game so they can flex.
A sequel to one of the best ever games gets announced and this guy has nothing but complaints.